// done by zephinzer
// goto: http://zephinzer.tumblr.com for more
// please leave this intact if you use this code
// thank you
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// this defines the upper limit of where the program will stop
#define ASCII_RANGE 255
// this defines the upper limit of where the program will stop
#define ROW_LENGTH 25
int wontscrewup(char input);
int main(void) {
printf("\nctype.c by zephinzer\n");
char buffer[ASCII_RANGE];
int counter, master;
for(counter=0; counter<ASCII_RANGE; counter++)
buffer[counter] = counter;
for(master=0; master<ASCII_RANGE; master+=25) {
printf(" ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", counter/100);
printf(" ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", (counter/10)%10);
printf(" ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", counter%10);
printf("\ncharacter: ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%c ", wontscrewup(buffer[counter]) ? buffer[counter] : ' ');
printf("\nisalnum(): ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", isalnum(buffer[counter]) ? 1 : 0);
printf("\nisalpha(): ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", isalpha(buffer[counter]) ? 1 : 0);
printf("\niscntrl(): ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", iscntrl(buffer[counter]) ? 1 : 0);
printf("\nisdigit(): ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", isdigit(buffer[counter]) ? 1 : 0);
printf("\nisgraph(): ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", isgraph(buffer[counter]) ? 1 : 0);
printf("\nislower(): ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", islower(buffer[counter]) ? 1 : 0);
printf("\nisprint(): ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", isprint(buffer[counter]) ? 1 : 0);
printf("\nispunct(): ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", ispunct(buffer[counter]) ? 1 : 0);
printf("\nisspace(): ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", isspace(buffer[counter]) ? 1 : 0);
printf("\nisupper(): ");
for(counter=master; counter<master+ROW_LENGTH; counter++)
printf("%d ", isupper(buffer[counter]) ? 1 : 0);
return 0;
int wontscrewup(char input) {
switch(input) {
// 7 causes a beep
// 9 is a tab
// 10 is a line feed
// 13 causes the first part of the line to dissapear
case 7: case 9: case 10: case 13: return 0;
default: return 1;
This shows all values from 0 to the number stipulated in the #define at the top of the code. It also shows which characters will be marked with which properties.
~ zephinzer
- http://zephinzer.tumblr.com
~ zephinzer
- http://zephinzer.tumblr.com
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