Curtain before and after

<div class="before_after_slider"> <div class="color"> <img src="" width="640" height="400" alt="" /> </div> <div class="black_white"> <img src="" width="640" height="400" alt="black_white" /> </div> </div> <!-- CSS--> .before_after_slider { position: relative; margin: 60px; width: 640px; height: 400px; } .before_after_slider > * { position: absolute; } .black_white { overflow: hidden; } <!-- JS--> var $black_white = $('.black_white'), img_width = $('.black_white img').width(), init_split = Math.round(img_width/2); $black_white.width(init_split); $('.before_after_slider').mousemove(function(e){ var offX = (e.offsetX || e.clientX - $black_white.offset().left); $black_white.width(offX); }); $('.before_after_slider').mouseleave(function(e){ $black_white.stop().animate({ width: init_split },1000) });

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