<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Mr. Cutest CSS Lion</title>
<link href=",700,400italic,700italic" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<div class="lion">
<span class="mane">
<span class="head">
<span class="eye left"></span>
<span class="eye right"></span>
<span class="nose"></span>
<span class="ear left">
<span class="inner"></span>
<span class="ear right">
<span class="inner"></span>
<span class="body">
<span class="paw left"></span>
<span class="paw right"></span>
<span class="leg left"></span>
<span class="leg right"></span>
<span class="tail">s</span>
@import compass
// ============== { ('_') } ==============
// Let's make a lion with CSS and then animate him. Why? BECAUSE REASONS.
// I also thought I'd use Mr.Lion to show a few examples of why I love using Sass to write CSS (
// I'm also using Compass ( which goes along with Sass really well and saves you from writing all of the required vendor prefixes out. For example, instead of writing all the prefixes for border-radius you can just do @include border-radius(amount). Yay!
@import compass/reset
@import compass/css3
// ======================================
// Sass rocks because VARIABLES { ('_') }
// ======================================
// Let's define some colours for Mr. Lion. Sass is AWESOME for this, since you can re-use these colour names all over and not have to change them in a bunch of places if Mr.Lion decides he wants to dye his fur pink one day.
$tan: #f5cd88
$mane: #ed8641
$dkbrown: #604f31
// You can also use variables for other things, anything that you might want to repeat a lot or refer to in a way that's easy to see why you're using it. I'll use one for a common border style.
$border-oval: 50%
// ============================================
// Sass rocks because COLOUR FUNCTIONS { ('_') }
// ============================================
// Mr. Lion also has a few highlights and shaded areas. Sass has this very cool inbuilt function to lighten or darken colours to create new colours based on our existing colour variables. Shiny.
$tan-highlight: lighten($tan, 15%)
$mane-shade: darken($mane, 5%)
// ===================================
// Sass rocks because MIXINS { ('_') }
// ===================================
// If we find ourselves repeating a bunch of properties on multiple elements, we can put these in a mixin to save ourselves repetition when using them over and over. Mixins can also be passed arguments if we need to customise them further!
// For example, a good way to center absolutely positioned elements regardless of their width is to give them the below properties which we'll reuse as mixins.
@mixin center-element-x
left: 50%
@include transform(translateX(-50%))
@mixin center-element
left: 50%
top: 50%
@include transform(translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%))
// ===================================
// Sass rocks because NESTING { ('_') }
// ===================================
// We can avoid so much of the usual repetition we get with writing CSS. W00t.
font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif
padding: 50px 0
width: 250px
height: 300px
position: relative
margin: 0 auto
position: absolute
width: 140px
height: 105px
top: 50px
z-index: 2
background-color: $tan
@include border-radius($border-oval)
@include center-element-x
width: 15px
height: 22px
top: 30px
z-index: 2
background-color: $dkbrown
border: solid 10px $tan-highlight
@include border-radius($border-oval)
// &.left in Sass is the equivalent of doing .eye.left to chain classes in CSS. Less to write! Yay!
left: 10px
right: 10px
-webkit-animation: blink 8s infinite
width: 18px
height: 12px
top: 70px
z-index: 2
background-color: $dkbrown
@include border-radius($border-oval)
@include center-element-x
width: 219px
height: 180px
top: 0
z-index: 1
background-color: $mane
@include border-radius($border-oval)
@include center-element-x
-webkit-animation: head-tilt 6s infinite
//Bottom of mane
content: ''
display: block
position: absolute
width: 0
height: 0
bottom: -54px
left: 60px
color: $mane
// You can also indent within properties in Sass to make things like
// border sides easier to write!
border: 50px solid transparent
top: 100px solid $mane
bottom: 0
@include transform(scaleX(1.9))
//Mane shading
content: ''
display: block
position: absolute
width: 140px
height: 105px
bottom: 15px
left: 40px
background-color: $mane-shade
@include border-radius($border-oval)
// You can use variables within selectors too, where you might find yourself
// repeating a value multiple times.
$ear: 60px
width: $ear
height: $ear
top: 18px
z-index: 2
background-color: $tan
@include border-radius($ear)
left: -15px
left: 60px
@include transform(scaleX(1.5) rotate(-20deg))
right: -15px
right: 120px
top: -35px
@include transform(scaleX(1.5) rotate(20deg))
// Another super-useful thing that Sass can do is calculations! :D
// To make sure that Mr. Lion's inner ear always stays in proportion
// with his outer ear, we could do this:
$inner-ear: $ear * 0.66
width: $inner-ear
height: $inner-ear
background-color: $tan-highlight
@include border-radius($inner-ear)
@include center-element
// Mane fluff
content: ''
position: absolute
width: 0
height: 0
top: -30px
color: $mane
border: 15px solid transparent
bottom: 30px solid $mane
top: 0
@include transform(scaleX(1.5))
width: 120px
height: 260px
top: 30px
background-color: $tan
@include border-radius(40px)
@include center-element-x
// Belly
content: ''
position: absolute
width: 80px
height: 200px
left: 20px
top: 40px
background-color: $tan-highlight
@include border-radius(40px)
font-size: 150px
right: 0
top: 160px
color: $tan
@include transform(rotate(20deg))
-webkit-animation: sway 2s linear alternate infinite
-webkit-transform-origin: 20px 80px
content: 'w'
position: absolute
top: 49px
left: 43px
size: 40px
weight: 700
color: $mane
@include transform(rotate(110deg))
width: 50px
height: 100px
bottom: -30px
z-index: -1
background-color: $tan
@include border-radius(15px)
left: 0
right: 0
content: 'm'
display: block
position: absolute
font-size: 30px
bottom: -3px
color: $tan-highlight
@include center-element-x
width: 60px
height: 35px
top: 133px
background-color: $tan
@include border-radius(15px)
left: -35px
left: 5px
right: -35px
right: 5px
-webkit-animation: wave 0.5s 5s linear 3
//inner paw
$paw: 20px
content: ''
display: block
position: absolute
top: 7px
width: $paw
height: $paw
background-color: $tan-highlight
@include border-radius($paw)
// ============================================
// Animations for Mr. Lion { ('_') }
// ============================================
@-webkit-keyframes sway
@include transform(rotate(20deg))
@include transform(rotate(40deg))
@-webkit-keyframes head-tilt
@include transform(translateX(-50%) rotate(0deg))
@include transform(translateX(-50%) rotate(-5deg))
@include transform(translateX(-50%) rotate(0deg))
@-webkit-keyframes blink
@include transform(scaleY(1))
@include transform(scaleY(1))
@include transform(scaleY(0.1))
@include transform(scaleY(1))
@include transform(scaleY(1))
@-webkit-keyframes wave
@include transform(rotate(0deg))
@include transform(rotate(-30deg))
@include transform(rotate(0deg))