Hash Table Implementation In C++

// // Created by YUQIONG LI on 13/9/2018. // #ifndef HASHMAP_HASHTABLE_H #define HASHMAP_HASHTABLE_H template<> class hash<string>{ public: size_t operator()( const string & key){ size_t hashVal; for (char ch: key){ hashVal = 37 * hashVal + ch; } return hashVal; } }; template <typename HashedObj> class HashTable { public: explicit HashTable(int size = 101); bool contains(const HashedObj & x) const; // a member function, cannot change void makeEmpty(); bool insert(const HashedObj & x); bool insert(HashedObj && x); bool remove(const HashedObj & x); private: vector< list<HashedObj> > theLists; int currentSize; void rehash(); size_t myhash(const HashedObj & x) const; }; size_t HashTable::myhash(const HashedObj & x) const { static hash<HashedObj> hf; // declare and initialize a hash function return hf(x) % theList.size(); // scale down the output } void HashTable::makeEmpty(){ for (auto & thisList : theList){ thisList.clear(); } } bool HashTable::contains(const HashedObj & x) const { auto & whichList = theLists[myhash(x)]; // find the list to look for. Note the grammar return find( begin(whichList), end(whichList), x) != end( whichList); } bool remove( const HashObject & x){ auto & whichList = theLists[myhash(x)]; auto itr = find(begin(whichList), end(whichList), x); if (itr == end(whichList)) return false; whichList.erase( itr ); --currentSize; return true; } #endif //HASHMAP_HASHTABLE_H
First trial.

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