Đệ quy part 3 (thao tác trên struct)

#include<iostream> using namespace std; struct Danh_Sach { char Ten[100]; double diem; }; typedef struct Danh_Sach Chuc; void Nhap(Chuc *a,int n) { if(n==0) return; Nhap(a,n-1); fflush(stdin); cout<<"\nNhap Thong Tin: "; cout<<"\nNhap Ten thu: ";cin.get(a[n-1].Ten,100); cout<<"\nNhap Diem :";cin>>a[n-1].diem; } void Xuat(Chuc *a,int n,int i=0) { if(i==n) return; cout<<"\nThong Tin Thu: "<<i+1; cout<<"\nTen thu: "<<i+1<<"\t"<<a[i].Ten; cout<<"\nDiem :"<<a[i].diem; return Xuat(a,n,i+1); } void HoanVi(Chuc &a,Chuc &b) { Chuc c=a;a=b;b=c; } void XapXep(Chuc *a,int n,int i=0) { if(i==n) return ; for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++) { if(a[i].diem>a[j].diem) { HoanVi(a[i],a[j]); } return XapXep(a,n,i+1); } } int main() {int n; cout<<"Nhap Vao So Luong Sinh Vien";cin>>n; Chuc *a=new Chuc[n]; Nhap(a,n); XapXep(a,n); cout<<"\n====================================================\n"; cout<<"Danh Sach Sau Khi Xap Xep Se La:\n"; Xuat(a,n); cout<<endl; delete[] a; system("pause"); return 0; }

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