
/* * The DnD API is quite complicated, and browsers are not fully interoperable. * This example gets the basics right, but each browser is a little different * and each one seems to have its own unique bugs. This code does not attempt * browser-specific workarounds. */ whenReady(function() { // Run this function when the document is ready // Find all <ul class='dnd'> elements and call the dnd() function on them var lists = document.getElementsByTagName("ul"); var regexp = /\bdnd\b/; for(var i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) if (regexp.test(lists[i].className)) dnd(lists[i]); // Add drag-and-drop handlers to a list element function dnd(list) { var original_class = list.className; // Remember original CSS class var entered = 0; // Track enters and leaves // This handler is invoked when a drag first enters the list. It checks // that the drag contains data in a format it can process and, if so, // returns false to indicate interest in a drop. In that case, it also // highlights the drop target to let the user know of that interest. list.ondragenter = function(e) { e = e || window.event; // Standard or IE event var from = e.relatedTarget; // dragenter and dragleave events bubble, which makes it tricky to // know when to highlight or unhighlight the element in a case like // this where the <ul> element has <li> children. In browsers that // define relatedTarget we can track that. // Otherwise, we count enter/leave pairs // If we entered from outside the list or if // this is the first entrance then we need to do some stuff entered++; if ((from && !ischild(from, list)) || entered == 1) { // All the DnD info is in this dataTransfer object var dt = e.dataTransfer; // The dt.types object lists the types or formats that the data // being dragged is available in. HTML5 says the type has a // contains() method. In some browsers it is an array with an // indexOf method. In IE8 and before, it simply doesn't exist. var types = dt.types; // What formats data is available in // If we don't have any type data or if data is // available in plain text format, then highlight the // list to let the user know we're listening for drop // and return false to let the browser know. if (!types || // IE (types.contains && types.contains("text/plain")) || //HTML5 (types.indexOf && types.indexOf("text/plain")!=-1)) //Webkit { list.className = original_class + " droppable"; return false; } // If we don't recognize the data type, we don't want a drop return; // without canceling } return false; // If not the first enter, we're still interested }; // This handler is invoked as the mouse moves over the list. // We have to define this handler and return false or the drag // will be canceled. list.ondragover = function(e) { return false; }; // This handler is invoked when the drag moves out of the list // or out of one of its children. If we are actually leaving the list // (not just going from one list item to another), then unhighlight it. list.ondragleave = function(e) { e = e || window.event; var to = e.relatedTarget; // If we're leaving for something outside the list or if this leave // balances out the enters, then unhighlight the list entered--; if ((to && !ischild(to,list)) || entered <= 0) { list.className = original_class; entered = 0; } return false; }; // This handler is invoked when a drop actually happens. // We take the dropped text and make it into a new <li> element list.ondrop = function(e) { e = e || window.event; // Get the event // Get the data that was dropped in plain text format. // "Text" is a nickname for "text/plain". // IE does not support "text/plain", so we use "Text" here. var dt = e.dataTransfer; // dataTransfer object var text = dt.getData("Text"); // Get dropped data as plain text. // If we got some text, turn it into a new item at list end. if (text) { var item = document.createElement("li"); // Create new <li> item.draggable = true; // Make it draggable item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); // Add text list.appendChild(item); // Add it to the list // Restore the list's original style and reset the entered count list.className = original_class; entered = 0; return false; } }; // Make all items that were originally in the list draggable var items = list.getElementsByTagName("li"); for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) items[i].draggable = true; // And register event handlers for dragging list items. // Note that we put these handlers on the list and let events // bubble up from the items. // This handler is invoked when a drag is initiated within the list. list.ondragstart = function(e) { var e = e || window.event; var target = e.target || e.srcElement; // If it bubbled up from something other than a <li>, ignore it if (target.tagName !== "LI") return false; // Get the all-important dataTransfer object var dt = e.dataTransfer; // Tell it what data we have to drag and what format it is in dt.setData("Text", target.innerText || target.textContent); // Tell it we know how to allow copies or moves of the data dt.effectAllowed = "copyMove"; }; // This handler is invoked after a successful drop oc // If the drop was a move, then delete the list item. // In IE8, this will be "none" unless you explicitly set it to // move in the ondrop handler above. But forcing it to "move" for // IE prevents other browsers from giving the user a choice of a // copy or move operation. if (e.dataTransfer.dropEffect === "move") target.parentNode.removeChild(target); } // This is the utility function we used in ondragenter and ondragleave. // Return true if a is a child of b. function ischild(a,b) { for(; a; a = a.parentNode) if (a === b) return true; return false; } } });
Demonstrates how to make <ul> elements into drop targets and how to make the <li> elements within them into drag sources. The example is a piece of un- obtrusive JavaScript that looks for <ul> elements with a class attribute that includes “dnd” and registers DnD event handlers on any such lists it finds. The event handlers make the list itself into a drop target: any text you drop onto the list is turned into a new list item and is inserted at the end of the list. The event handlers also listen for drags on the items within the list and make the text of each list item available for transfer. The drag source handlers allow “copy” and “move” operations and delete list items that are dropped in move operations. (Note, however, that not all browsers sup- port move operations interoperably.)

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