Drag and Drop with Javascript

<body> <!--use <div class="draggable" dropid="id of the dropzone element" ></div> --> <div class="draggable" dropid="dropzone1">I belong to dropzone1.</div> <div class="draggable" dropid="dropzone2" style="position:absolute;left:270px;background-color: #f5b5b5;">I belong to dropzone2.</div> <br/> <br/> <br/> <div class="draggable" dropid="dropzone1">I also belong to dropzone1.</div> <div class="draggable" dropid="dropzone2" style="position:absolute;left:270px;background-color: #f5b5b5;">I also belong to dropzone2.</div> <div class="dropzone a" id="dropzone1" >Dropzone1</div> <div class="dropzone b" id="dropzone2" >Dropzone2</div> </body>
body{ background-color: rgba(0,95,266,0.2); } .draggable{ display: block; cursor: move; background-color: #82a1da; padding: 5px; box-sizing:border-box; width: 250px; height: 50px; text-align: center; color: #ebebeb; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #82a1da; -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; z-index: 2000; } .dropzone{ display: block; margin:5px; text-align: center; padding: 20px; width: 30%; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #777; height: 300px; position: absolute; top: 150px; z-index: 1000; } .dropzone.a{ background-color: #b5daf5; } .dropzone.b{ background-color: #c2f5b5; left: 35%; }
(function(className){ var currentEl = { // this object will be updated everytime when the user clicks the draggable element dropEl : "", // drop element dropElx : 0, // drop element's x position or position of drop elements from left dropEly : 0, // drop element's x position or position of drop elements from right dropElheight : 0, // height of drop element dropElwidth : 0 // width of drop element }, draggables = document.getElementsByClassName(className), xb=0, yb=0; function getXY(e){ e = e || window.event; mx = e.clientX || e.pageX; my = e.clientY || e.pageY; return [mx,my]; } function mUp(e){ var mXY = getXY(e), mX = mXY[0], mY = mXY[1]; if ( this.offsetLeft >= currentEl.dropElx && this.offsetTop >= currentEl.dropEly && ( this.offsetLeft + this.offsetWidth ) < ( parseInt(currentEl.dropElx) + parseInt(currentEl.dropElwidth)) && ( this.offsetTop + this.offsetHeight ) < ( parseInt(currentEl.dropEly) + parseInt(currentEl.dropElheight)) ) { // this if statement states that element must be smaller than its drop element / dropzone else it wont fit // in other words, the basket must not be smaller than the basket ball ;) // codes to be executed when the element is dropped in its drop element / dropzone //for default, if the element is dropped in its dropzone element then the element's postion will remain as it is this.style.left = mX - ( mX - parseInt(this.offsetLeft) ) +"px" ; this.style.top = mY - ( mY - parseInt(this.offsetTop) ) +"px" ; }else{ // codes to be executed when the element is dropped outside from its drop element / dropzone // codes in this else statement will also run if the element is bigger than its dropzone so make the dropzone bigger in size than the elements //for default inx & iny attribute was set //if the element is dropped out of drop element then it will be sent back to its first position using the inx & iny var inx = parseInt(this.getAttribute("inx")), iny = parseInt(this.getAttribute("iny")); this.style.left = inx+"px"; this.style.top = iny+"px"; } this.removeAttribute("dragActivity"); this.style.zIndex = "100000"; } function mDown(e){ //updating the details of current element's drop element i.e updating the object currentEl currentEl.dropEl = document.getElementById(this.getAttribute("dropid")), currentEl.dropElheight = currentEl.dropEl.offsetHeight, currentEl.dropElwidth = currentEl.dropEl.offsetWidth, currentEl.dropElx = currentEl.dropEl.offsetLeft, currentEl.dropEly = currentEl.dropEl.offsetTop; this.style.zIndex = 100000 + 500; var mXY = getXY(e); xb = mXY[0] - parseInt(this.offsetLeft); yb = mXY[1] - parseInt(this.offsetTop); this.setAttribute("dragActivity","on"); } function mMove(e){ var mXY = getXY(e); if ( this.getAttribute("dragActivity") == "on" ) { this.style.left = mXY[0] - xb +"px"; this.style.top = mXY[1] - yb +"px"; } } for(var i=0;i<draggables.length;i++){ var _t = draggables[i]; _t.style.position = "absolute"; _t.setAttribute("inx",_t.offsetLeft); _t.setAttribute("iny",_t.offsetTop); _t.onmousedown = mDown; _t.onmousemove = mMove; _t.onmouseup = mUp; } })("draggable"); //name of the class
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