Drupal 7 custom theme generator

#!/bin/bash clear read -p "Enter the name of your new theme:" newtheme if [[ $newtheme == [[:digit:]]* ]] ; then echo "The name of the theme starts with a number. Try again..." && exit else if [[ $newtheme == [[:upper:]]* ]] ; then echo "The name of the theme starts with a Capital letter." && echo "Converting uppercase to lowercase..." #echo $newtheme | sed 's/[[:upper:]]/\L&/g' && exit newtheme=`echo $newtheme | tr A-Z a-z` else echo "The theme name corresponds to the naming conventions of Drupal" fi if ! [[ -d sites/all/themes/$newtheme ]] ; then mkdir sites/all/themes/$newtheme && touch sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "" read -p "Enter a description of your new theme:" description echo "; Required field" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "name = $newtheme" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "core = 7.x" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "; Advanced field" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "description = $description" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "engine = phptemplate" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "" echo "" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "" echo "Adding Regions section into info-file (default and comment)..." echo "; Regions" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";========" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";regions[header] = Header" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";regions[highlighted] = Highlighted" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";regions[help] = Help" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";regions[content] = Content" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";regions[sidebar_first] = Left sidebar" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";regions[sidebar_second] = Right sidebar" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";regions[footer] = Footer" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "Adding Features section into info-files (default and comment)..." echo "; Features" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";=========" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";features[] = logo" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";features[] = name" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";features[] = slogan" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";features[] = node_user_picture" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";features[] = comment_user_picture" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";features[] = comment_user_verification" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";features[] = favicon" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";features[] = main_menu" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";features[] = secondary_menu" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "Adding Stylesheets section into info-file (only blank file)..." echo "; CSS" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";=========" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "stylesheets[all][] = css/$newtheme.css" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "Adding JavaScript section into info-file..." echo "; JS" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";=========" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";scripts[] = js/$newtheme.js" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "Adding Theme settings section into info-file..." echo "; Settings" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";=========" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";settings[settings_name] = default value" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo "Adding Screenshot section into info-file..." echo "; Screenshot" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";===========" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info && echo ";screenshot = screenshot.png" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info echo "" echo "; Theme $newtheme has been created `date`" >> sites/all/themes/$newtheme/$newtheme.info echo "" echo "Creating file structure..." echo "CSS folder for style..." && mkdir sites/all/themes/$newtheme/css && touch sites/all/themes/$newtheme/css/$newtheme.css echo "JS folder for scripts..." && mkdir sites/all/themes/$newtheme/js && touch sites/all/themes/$newtheme/js/$newtheme.js echo "Images folder for images..." && mkdir sites/all/themes/$newtheme/images echo "Templates folder for core templates..." && mkdir sites/all/themes/$newtheme/templates && echo "" echo "Select a core template for use in your theme (type y or n for your choice):" read -p "HTML Template (y or n)" html if [[ "$html" == "y" ]] ; then echo "Copying HTML core template..." && cp modules/system/html.tpl.php sites/all/themes/$newtheme/templates && echo "" else echo "" fi read -p "Page Template (y or n)" page if [[ "$page" == "y" ]] ; then echo "Copying Page core template..." && cp modules/system/page.tpl.php sites/all/themes/$newtheme/templates && echo "" else echo "" fi read -p "Region Template (y or n)" page if [[ "$page" == "y" ]] ; then echo "Copying Region core template..." && cp modules/system/region.tpl.php sites/all/themes/$newtheme/templates && echo "" else echo "" fi read -p "Block Template (y or n)" page if [[ "$page" == "y" ]] ; then echo "Copying Block core template..." && cp modules/block/block.tpl.php sites/all/themes/$newtheme/templates && echo "" else echo "" fi read -p "Node Template (y or n)" page if [[ "$page" == "y" ]] ; then echo "Copying Node core template..." && cp modules/node/node.tpl.php sites/all/themes/$newtheme/templates && echo "" else echo "" fi read -p "Comment Template (y or n)" page if [[ "$page" == "y" ]] ; then echo "Copying Comment core template..." && cp modules/comment/comment-wrapper.tpl.php sites/all/themes/$newtheme/templates && cp modules/comment/comment.tpl.php sites/all/themes/$newtheme/templates else echo "" fi echo "Creating template.php file..." touch sites/all/themes/$newtheme/template.php && echo "" echo "Creating theme settings file..." touch sites/all/themes/$newtheme/theme-settings.php && echo "" echo "Adding Drupal logo..." cp misc/druplicon.png sites/all/themes/$newtheme/logo.png echo "" echo "Theme template $newtheme has been created" && echo "" echo "Good Luck!!!" else echo "Theme with this name exists. Try again..." && exit fi fi
Save it as custom_theme.sh, place the script in the root directory of the website and execute it.

What make:
1. Checks the name of the directory for the new theme for the presence of digits or capital letters.
2. Create a theme structure: directories for scripts, styles, templates
3. Fill the info file (lines are commented out)
4. Copies Drupal core templates (page.tpl.php, node.tpl.php etc.) into new theme folder

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You can use [html][/html], [css][/css], [php][/php] and more to embed the code. Urls are automatically hyperlinked. Line breaks and paragraphs are automatically generated.