
#! /usr/bin/env python import sys # print (sys.argv) cards = [] for idx, val in enumerate(sys.argv): if idx > 0: each = val.split('=') cards.append(each) def evalGame(cards, lastGame = None, playerNum = 3, cardNum = 5): if cards is None: return [] player = None otherCards = [] if lastGame is None: lastGame = [] player = [cards[0][0], int(cards[0][1])] otherCards.append(int(cards[1][1])) otherCards.append(int(cards[2][1])) else: playerIdx = len(lastGame) % playerNum player = cards[playerIdx] for i in range(playerNum): if i != playerIdx: otherCards.append(int(cards[i][1])) possibles = [x for x in range(1, cardNum + 1) if x not in otherCards] count = len(lastGame) for i in [1, 0]: if count == 0: break count -= 1 for p in possibles: chk = evalFromOther([p, otherCards[i]], cardNum = 5) if chk: possibles = [x for x in possibles if x != p] results = [] for p in possibles: onePossible = [] for o in otherCards: onePossible.append(p > o) results.append(onePossible) checkResult = evalFromOther(otherCards, possibles, cardNum) if checkResult: check = results[0] if check[0] != check[1]: lastGame.append([player[0], 'Mid']) else: minOrMax = 'Max' if check[0] else 'Min' lastGame.append([player[0], minOrMax]) return lastGame else: lastGame.append([player[0], '?']) return evalGame(cards, lastGame) def evalFromOther(otherCards, possibles = None, cardNum = 5): if possibles is None: possibles = [x for x in range(1, cardNum + 1) if x not in otherCards] results = [] for p in possibles: onePossible = [] for o in otherCards: onePossible.append(p > o) results.append(onePossible) checkResult = True for r in results: if r != results[0]: checkResult = False break return checkResult def printResult(results): rslt = "" for item in results: player = item[0] value = item[1] tmp = player + " => " + value if rslt == "": rslt += tmp else: rslt += ',' + tmp print(rslt) printResult(evalGame(cards))

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