Evolv - Sets the visibility of {Label} Field in a Form

/** * Sets the visibility of {Label} Field in a Form * * @param {DOM_Node} cfs_messageNode - DOM Node of the {Label} Field (Eg.: var cfs_enrolmentAlertNode = formXML.selectSingleNode('form_object/form_group/form_item[@caption=\'age_of_enrollment\']');) * @param {String} cfs_visible - visible = 'true' or hidden = 'false' */ function cfs_SetAlertVisibility(cfs_messageNode, cfs_visible) { cfs_messageNode.setAttribute('is_visible', cfs_visible); repaintFormXML(); try { var cfs_notesParentNode = getFormElementDOM('inner_body1').firstChild; while (cfs_notesParentNode.childNodes.length > 1) { cfs_notesParentNode.removeChild(cfs_notesParentNode.childNodes[cfs_notesParentNode.childNodes.length - 1]); } } catch (error) { } }

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