// testLineCircleIntersection() : test whether a line intersects with a circle
// x0,y0 : first point on line
// x1,y1 : second point on line
// ox,oy : center of circle
// r: radius of circle
// return value:
// < 0 : no intersection,
// = 0 : tangent (hits circle at one point),
// > 0 : intersection (secant; hits circle at two points)
// see: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-LineIntersection.html
function testLineCircleIntersection(x0,y0,x1,y1,ox,oy,r) {
// normalize line co-ordinates
x0 -= ox;
y0 -= oy;
x1 -= ox;
y1 -= oy;
// calculate discriminant
let rSquared = r * r;
let dx = x1 - x0;
let dy = y1 - y0;
let bigD = (x0 * y1 - x1 * y0);
let bigDSquared = bigD * bigD;
let lSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy;
let discriminant = rSquared * lSquared - bigDSquared;
return discriminant;
I used this for collision-detection in my game (test whether laser beam strikes hit zone etc).
May come in handy for someone else out there ...
May come in handy for someone else out there ...
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