Wordpress - Youtube Embed Shortcode

function wptuts_youtube($atts, $content=null){ extract(shortcode_atts( array('id' => ''), $atts)); $return = $content; if($content) $return .= "<br /><br />"; $return .= '<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $id . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; return $return; } add_shortcode('youtube', 'wptuts_youtube');
Use the shortcode:

[youtube id="_ggWarwhv9M" ]Check out this video![/youtube]

Replace the Id with that of your video. Dimensions can be changed within the code.

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You can use [html][/html], [css][/css], [php][/php] and more to embed the code. Urls are automatically hyperlinked. Line breaks and paragraphs are automatically generated.