//// How to make any class serializable in binary mode
// Example class
public class Example : ISerializable {
public string Name;
public int Age;
public Example() {
Name = "Example name";
Age = 69;
#region Serialization
public X3D(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt) {
Name = (string)info.GetValue("name", typeof(string));
Age = (int)info.GetValue("age", typeof(int));
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt) {
info.AddValue("name", Name);
info.AddValue("age", Age);
// To serialize:
void Serialize(Example example, string path) {
Stream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Create);
BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();
bformatter.Serialize(stream, example);
// To deserialize
Example Deserialize(string path) {
Stream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open);
BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();
Example example = (Example)bformatter.Deserialize(stream);
return example;
A simple how-to example about how to serialize any custom class into a binary file, and loading it back
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