Firebird: Create an Array of integers from String

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE GETINTEGERLIST(AINTEGERLIST VARCHAR(32000)) returns ( ID integer ) as declare variable IntegerList varchar(32000); declare variable CommaPos integer; declare variable IntegerVal varchar(10); begin IntegerList = AIntegerList || ' '; CommaPos = Position(',', IntegerList); while (CommaPos > 0) do begin IntegerVal = Trim(SubString(IntegerList from 1 for CommaPos - 1)); if (Char_Length(IntegerVal) > 0) then begin if (IntegerVal similar to '[0-9]*') then begin ID = Cast(IntegerVal as integer); suspend; end end if (Char_Length(IntegerList) > CommaPos) then IntegerList = SubString(IntegerList from CommaPos + 1); else IntegerList = ''; CommaPos = Position(',', IntegerList); end IntegerList = Trim(IntegerList); if (Char_Length(IntegerList) > 0) then begin if (IntegerList similar to '[0-9]*') then begin ID = Cast(IntegerList as integer); suspend; end end end; /* use: SELECT * FROM CITY WHERE ID_CITY IN (SELECT ID FROM GetIntegerList('1, 2, 12, 45, 75, 45')) */

3 Responses

Thank you very much Marco, I used it into a SELECT for linked querys in ReportMan and it was great.
Cheers from Mexico.
@Andrés Un placer ayudar

It's a pleasure to help
Thank you very much Marco, I used it into a SELECT for linked querys in ReportMan and it was great.
Cheers from Mexico.

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