Friends Mapper

//remove duplicated names function removeDuplicated(names) { return names.reduce(function(a,b){if(a.indexOf(b)<0)a.push(b);return a;},[]); } // array dif function Array.prototype.diff = function(a){ return this.filter(function(i) {return a.indexOf(i) < 0;}); }; function httpGet(url) { var xmlHttp = null; xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, false ); xmlHttp.send( null ); return xmlHttp.responseText; } function getmutualfriends(page) { var friends = new Array(); while (page){ start_index = page.indexOf('<a href="') + 34; var finish_index = page.indexOf('?fref=pb_other', start_index); if (finish_index != -1){ var friend = page.substring(start_index,finish_index); if (friend.length < 40){ console.log(friend); friends.push(friend); } page = page.substring(finish_index+15); } else { page = false; } } return friends; } function get_mutual_friends_stranger(friendid, amount, j){ var urlfriendship = ''+userid+'?and='+friendid+'&sk=friends'; var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", urlfriendship, true); xmlHttp.onload = function () { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status === 200) { var morefriends = getmutualfriends(this.responseText); var msg = "getting mutual friends #"+recieved+" / "+amount+" from: "+friendid+" - "+morefriends.length+" friends found. <br />"; var node = document.getElementsByClassName("fb_finder_result_container")[0]; node.innerHTML = msg; if (morefriends.length == 50){ goodfriends.push(friendid); } resultfriends = resultfriends.concat(morefriends); recieved++; if (recieved == amount){ recieved = 0; resultfriends = removeDuplicated(resultfriends); resultfriends = resultfriends.diff(allfriends); allfriends = allfriends.concat(resultfriends); if (resultfriends.length > 0){ getmorefriends(resultfriends); } else { // FOUND ALL FRIENDS goodfriends = removeDuplicated(goodfriends); allfriends = allfriends.diff(goodfriends); writeFriends(goodfriends, allfriends); } } } else { console.error(this.statusText); } } }; xmlHttp.send( null ); } function getmorefriends(friends) { resultfriends = new Array(); var amount = friends.length; var j = 0; recieved = 0; friends.forEach(function(friendid) { j++; get_mutual_friends_stranger(friendid, amount, j) }); } function writeFriends(goodfriends, allfriends) { var close_button = '<button class="fb_close_button" style="position:absolute;top:20px;right:20px">Close</button>'; var friends_string = "<h2>Total of "+goodfriends.length+" close friends (more than 50 friends in common) were found for "+userid+"</h2><p>"; goodfriends.forEach(function(friendid){ friends_string += '<a href="'+friendid+'">'+friendid+'</a> '; }); friends_string += '</p>'; friends_string += "<h2>Total of "+allfriends.length+" regular friends were found for "+userid+"</h2><p>"; allfriends.forEach(function(friendid){ friends_string += '<a href="'+friendid+'">'+friendid+'</a> '; }); friends_string += '</p>'; var node = document.getElementsByClassName("fb_finder_result_container")[0]; node.innerHTML = close_button+friends_string; close_button_node = document.getElementsByClassName("fb_close_button")[0]; close_button_node.onclick = function(){ var node = document.getElementsByClassName("fb_finder_result_container")[0]; = "none"; }; } function create_view(){ var node = document.createElement("div"); node.className = "fb_finder_result_container"; = "fixed"; = "rgba(201, 213, 236, 0.9)"; = "200px"; = "70%"; = "10%"; = "9999"; = "30px"; = "scroll"; = "60%"; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(node); } function insert_reveal_button(node){ current_url = window.location.href; current_url = current_url.replace("", ""); current_url = current_url.replace("", ""); var slash_index = current_url.indexOf('/'); var question_index = current_url.indexOf('?'); if (slash_index != -1){ userid = current_url.substring(0, slash_index); } else if (question_index != -1) { userid = current_url.substring(0, question_index); } else { userid = current_url; } var parent_node = node[0].onclick = function() { return false; }; var my_node = '<span class="fb_execute_button" style="padding:10px;font-size:12px;color:rgb(124,156,224);cursor:pointer;">(Reveal Friends)</span>'; node[0].innerHTML += my_node; var button_node = document.getElementsByClassName('fb_execute_button')[0]; button_node.onclick = function(){ create_view(); var page = httpGet(''+userid+'&sk=friends'); friends = getmutualfriends(page); allfriends = friends; getmorefriends(friends); }; } var recieved = 0; var iterations_counter = 0; var resultfriends = new Array(); var goodfriends = new Array(); var allfriends = new Array(); var userid = ""; var curr_location = parent.location.pathname; var d = new Date(); var start_time = d.getTime(); window.onload = function(){ set_interval(); url_interval = setInterval(function(){ check_url() }, 500); }; function check_url(){ if (curr_location != parent.location.pathname){ set_interval(); curr_location = parent.location.pathname; var d = new Date(); start_time = d.getTime(); } } function set_interval(){ inter_var = setInterval(function(){ check_exist() }, 500); } function check_exist() { var mynode = document.getElementsByClassName('fb_execute_button'); var node = document.getElementsByClassName('_gs6'); if (mynode.length == 0){ if (node.length > 0) { insert_reveal_button(node); clearInterval(inter_var); } } else { clearInterval(inter_var); } var d = new Date(); var curr_time = d.getTime(); if (curr_time - start_time > 10000){ clearInterval(inter_var); } }

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Hola amigo, como funciona?

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