#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; int main(){ int xy, x, tr; tr = rand() % 13; xy = rand() % 100; for(x = 0; x < tr; x++){ cout << "INIT [" << x << "]" << endl; } int yx, tl, nl, ln; tl = rand() %1200; if(tl <= 400){ cout << "MODE[easy]" << endl; cout << "<<0>>400<<|>>" << endl; } else if(tl <= 800){ cout << "MODE[medium]" << endl; cout << "<<0>>800<<|>>" << endl; } else if(tl <= 1200){ cout << "MODE[hard]" << endl; cout << "<<0>>1200<<|>>" << endl; } cout << "::" << endl; while(ln != tl){ cin >> ln; int t = 0; t += 1; int maxt = 50; maxt--; if(ln < tl){ cout << "ERROR, NOT NUMBER; t[" << t << "] NUM[" << ln << "] || MAX TENT[" << maxt << "] ||" << endl; cout << "[" << ln << "] its << of RAND___" << endl; cout << "___________________________________________________________________" << endl; t = 1; t++; } else if(ln > tl){ cout << "ERROR, NOT NUMBER; t[" << t << "] NUM[" << ln << "]" << "MAX TENT[" << maxt << "] ||" << endl; cout << "[" << ln << "] its >> of RAND___" << endl; cout << "___________________________________________________________________" << endl; t = 1; t++; } else if(t == maxt){ cout << "ERROR, you reach your max tentatives; tentatives[" << t << "] || max number of tentatives[" << ln << "] || mode[" << maxt << "] ||" << endl; cout << "FINESHED THE GAME; WITH[" << t << "] tentatives, m[" << ln << "]" << endl; cout << "___________________________________________________________________" << endl; t = 1; t++; } } cout << "FINESHED THE GAME.mode[" << tl << "] ||" << endl; }

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