
var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); var getLatestPacketInterval, lastLength = 0;'GET', 'rollup_images.php', true); req.onreadystatechange = readyStateHandler; req.send(null); function readyStateHandler{ if (req.readyState === 3 && getLatestPacketInterval === null) { // Start polling. getLatestPacketInterval = window.setInterval(function() { getLatestPacket(); }, 15); } if (req.readyState === 4) { // Stop polling. clearInterval(getLatestPacketInterval); // Get the last packet. getLatestPacket(); } } function getLatestPacket() { var length = req.responseText.length; var packet = req.responseText.substring(lastLength, length); processPacket(packet); lastLength = length; }
As MXHR responses grow larger, it becomes necessary to process each resource as it is received, rather than waiting for the entire response. This can be done by listening for readyState 3:

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