public sealed class GridController : MonoBehaviour
private int gridSizeX;
public int GridSizeX
get { return gridSizeX; }
private int gridSizeY;
public int GridSizeY
get { return gridSizeY; }
private Tile[] tiles;
public Tile[] Tiles
return tiles;
public int TilePosToIndex( int x, int y )
return x + y * gridSizeY;
public void IndexToTilePos( int index, out int x, out int y )
x = index % gridSizeX;
y = Mathf.FloorToInt( index / (float) gridSizeX );
public void SetTileType( int index, TileType type )
tiles[index].SetType( type );
public void SetTileType( int x, int y, TileType type )
SetTileType( TilePosToIndex( x, y ), type );
public void SetTileType( Vector2Int targetPosition, TileType type )
SetTileType( TilePosToIndex( targetPosition.x, targetPosition.y ), type );
public TileType GetTileType( int index )
return tiles[index].TileType;
public TileType GetTileType( int x, int y )
return GetTileType( TilePosToIndex( x, y ) );
public void SetTileBlocked( int index, bool blocked )
SetTileType( index, blocked ? TileType.BLOCK : TileType.EMPTY );
public void SetTileBlocked( int x, int y, bool blocked )
SetTileBlocked( TilePosToIndex( x, y ), blocked );
public bool IsTileBlocked( int index )
return tiles[index].TileType == TileType.BLOCK;
public bool IsTileBlocked( int x, int y )
return IsTileBlocked( TilePosToIndex( x, y ) );
public void GenerateTiles()
tiles = new Tile[gridSizeX * gridSizeY];
for ( int i = tiles.Length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
int positionX;
int positionY;
IndexToTilePos( i, out positionX, out positionY );
tiles[i] = new Tile( i, new Vector2Int(positionX, positionY) );
public bool IsValidTilePosition( int targetPositionX, int targetPositionY )
if ( targetPositionX < 0 || targetPositionX > gridSizeX - 1 )
return false;
if ( targetPositionY < 0 || targetPositionY > gridSizeY - 1 )
return false;
int tilePosToIndex = TilePosToIndex( targetPositionX, targetPositionY );
if ( tiles[tilePosToIndex].TileType == TileType.BLOCK)
return false;
return true;
public bool IsValidTilePosition( Vector2Int targetPosition )
return IsValidTilePosition( targetPosition.x, targetPosition.y );
public void Clear()
for ( int i = tiles.Length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
SetTileType( i, TileType.EMPTY );
Simple grid controller system
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