
#r "nuget: GirCore.Gtk-4.0" open Gtk // let label () = let lb = new Label() lb.SetText "Hello!" lb let button ( label: Label ) = let btn = new Button () btn.SetLabel "click me!" let mutable counter = 0 let clickHler (_) (_) = label.SetText $"Hello {counter}" counter <- counter + 1 btn.add_OnClicked(new GObject.SignalHandler<Button>(clickHler)) btn let onActivate (sender: Gio.Application) (_) = let win = ApplicationWindow.New(sender :?> Application) win.Title <- "GTK4 Window" win.SetDefaultSize(300, 300) let box = new Box() let lb = label() box.Append lb win.SetChild( box ) button lb |> box.Append win.Show() let applic = Application.New("org.gir.core", Gio.ApplicationFlags.FlagsNone) applic.add_OnActivate(new GObject.SignalHandler<Gio.Application>(onActivate)) applic.RunWithSynchronizationContext(null)
#fsharp ???? #gtk 4 T

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