Head for MyPig project

public class Head extends PigComponent { public Head(PigComponent torso) { super(torso.pos.copy().add(-torso.size.x/2, 0), new PVector(torso.size.y*.75f, torso.size.y*.75f), torso.p); torso.children.add(this); } @Override public void drawComponent() { p.stroke(this.strokeColor); p.fill(this.fillColor); p.strokeWeight(this.strokeWeight); // face p.ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y); // nose or mouth p.ellipse(pos.x, pos.y+size.x/5, size.x/3, size.x/5); p.ellipse(pos.x - size.x/20, pos.y+size.x/5, size.x/20, size.x/20); p.ellipse(pos.x + size.x/20, pos.y+size.x/5, size.x/20, size.x/20); // eyes p.ellipse(pos.x - size.x/5, pos.y-size.x/10, size.x/10, size.x/20); p.ellipse(pos.x + size.x/5, pos.y-size.x/10, size.x/10, size.x/20); } @Override public void computeBoundingBox() { topLeft = new PVector(pos.x - size.x/2 - strokeWeight/2, pos.y - size.y/2 - strokeWeight/2); bottomRight = new PVector(pos.x + size.x/2 + strokeWeight/2, pos.y + size.y/2 + strokeWeight/2); } }
Put this in your Head.java

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