html form element and submission

<ul> <li><p> <h3>Html form element:</h3> beside the <code>fieldset</code> and <code>legend</code> attributes taht are used along with form element.form uses some attributes: <ul> <li><h5>form specific attributes:</h5> <ul> <li>action</li> <li>enctype</li> <li>method</li> <li>target</li> <li>accept-charset</li> <li>novalidate<span>-boolean attribute</span></li> </ul> </li> <li><h5>common attributes shared with other form control attributes:</h5> <ul> <li>autocomplete</li> <li>autocapitalize<span>-ios safari</span></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </p> <p>a form element in a document works along with a submit button after gathering the information from sends data after click event on submit button to the this point the submit button is a simple submit button that only tells the form element that the work is done collecting the data from users and it's tim to send it to the server because click action has taken place.</p></li> <li><h3>submit buttons:</h3> <p>submit can be done in two different ways:</p> <ol><li>using form element and it's plane submit button.</li> <li>using a submit button that has different submit attributes than the original form attributes: <p>here the submit button takes the followin g attributes in order to get a different submission other than the form's one: <ul> <li>formaction</li> <li>formenctype</li> <li>formtarget</li> <li>formmethod</li> <li>formnovalidate</li> </ul> infact this way submit buttons act as an indivisual form element.also elements can be related to any form using the <code>form</code> attribut.even if that element is outside the form element tags using the <code>id</code> as a value for <code>form</code> attribute of that form. </p> <p>submit buttons with differnt submission attributes also can take shared attributes like:</p> <ul> <li>autocaptialize</li> <li>autocomplete</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> </ul> <section> <h1>button</h1> <p>the only difference with type="button" or "image","submit" and "reset" is that <code>button</code> can take html inside it.this opens a whole world off styling.</p> <h3>button attributes:</h3> <p>it takes the following:</p> <ol> <li> if type="submit": <ul> <li>formaction</li> <li>formenctype</li> <li>formmethod</li> <li>formtarget</li> <li>formnovalidate</li> </ul></li> <li>takes shared attributes.</li> </ol> </section>
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