获取当前激活网络的MAC地址、IPv4地址、IPv6地址 - 方法2<推荐>

using System.Net.NetworkInformation /// <summary> /// 获取当前激活网络的MAC地址、IPv4地址、IPv6地址 - 方法2 /// </summary> /// <param name="mac">网卡物理地址</param> /// <param name="ipv4">IPv4地址</param> public static void GetActiveIpAndMac2(out string mac, out string ipv4, out string ipv6) { mac = ""; ipv4 = ""; ipv6 = ""; //需要引用:System.Net.NetworkInformation NetworkInterface[] nics = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in nics) { IPInterfaceProperties adapterProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties(); UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection allAddress = adapterProperties.UnicastAddresses; if (allAddress.Count > 0) { if (adapter.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) { mac = adapter.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString(); foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation addr in allAddress) { if (addr.Address.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { ipv4 = addr.Address.ToString(); } if (addr.Address.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { ipv6 = addr.Address.ToString(); } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mac) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ipv4) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ipv6))) { mac = ""; ipv4 = ""; ipv6 = ""; continue; } else { if (mac.Length == 12) { mac = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}-{5}", mac.Substring(0, 2), mac.Substring(2, 2), mac.Substring(4, 2), mac.Substring(6, 2), mac.Substring(8, 2), mac.Substring(10, 2)); } break; } } } } }
获取当前激活网络的MAC地址、IPv4地址、IPv6地址 - 方法2<推荐>

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