Image slideshow

<div class="card" #mycards1 swing-card *ngFor="let user of cards" > <div class="profile-image"> <slideshow [imageUrls]="user.image" showDots="true" dotColor="black" [showArrows]="false"></slideshow> </div> </div> .card border: 1px solid black height: 580px width: 350px margin: auto position: absolute background-color: #fff right: 0 top: 20px bottom: 0 left: 0 border-radius: 50px box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 0px #888888 overflow-y: scroll -ms-overflow-style: none -moz-scrollbars-none .profile-image height: 250px width: 100% background-color: #b2dfdb
When trying to use the slideshow arrows it seems like they are on top of one another, so when I click for the next image it goes to the next card. can this be a css issue or should I just make my own slideshow. I have tried different slideshows.

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