[Inventory Transfer Order] - Available storage bins of a product in a source warehouse - Request

{ "product": 1, "sort": "descend" // ADD IT LATER, NOTE: it could be either "ascend" or "descend" (as default). }
The Sample API Request
Module name: Available storage bins of a product in a given source warehouse
Sample view: Request

List (in order) all the storage bins of a specified product which are available for transfer to other warehouses given the id of source warehouse.

** Request **
URL: "/api/warehouse/<id>/available-source-storage-bins/" where <id> represents the ID of warehouse.
Request Method: GET

4 Responses

I think this API will never be used by any app. If you want to filter storage bin that is available for a certain product in sale order, acquiring it via 'api/sale-order/<id>/available-storage-bins/<product-id>' or '/api/product/<id>/available-storage-bins/<business-unit-id>' may be more reasonable since a product is possessed by only 1 business unit but it can be stored in any warehouse. However, let me recheck it with P'A beforehand.
@Sirinthra Chantharaj For this API, I would use it for the inventory transfer order module which is quite differ in attaching pricing information to the queries by the document module.
@Sirinthra Chantharaj I'm gonna recheck and have a discussion about this with P'A
I have already send via 'api/document/remaining-products/' or snippet 'Available product to be issued (Response)'. Isn't that what you want?
"available_storage_bins": [
"storage_bin": 1,
"storage_bin_name": "Dock 1",
"available_quantity": 10000

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