Javascript LInkList - Ratan

// javascript linkelist implementation- Ratan . // creation of class node. function Node () { this.head = { val:null, next:null }; } // creating function using prototype to create implicit link. Node.prototype.push = function (newEle) { // creation of new node for attaching to existing head. var newNode= { val:newEle, next: null }; if(this.head.val === null) { console.log("Head is Null .. assigning " + newEle+ " as Head."); this.head = newNode; }else { // travesing till the end of the Node. // getting extra pointer as we don't want to loose head pointer. var runner = this.head; while( { runner =; } newNode; console.log("Added " + newEle + " to the linklist.."); } }; function() { var runner = this.head; while( { console.log("->" + runner.val); runner =; } console.log("->" + runner.val); // displaying last element. }; var linklist1 = new Node(); linklist1.push(1); linklist1.push(2); linklist1.push(4);; //console.log("---"+;
JavaScript link-list implementation code.

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