public class JavaStudy01 { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Integer> randomVoteList = createRandomVoteList(100000, 4); ArrayList<Candidate> candidates = new ArrayList<>(); candidates.add(new Candidate("이재명")); candidates.add(new Candidate("윤석열")); candidates.add(new Candidate("심상정")); candidates.add(new Candidate("안철수")); VoteCalculator voteCalculator = new VoteCalculator(candidates); voteCalculator.calc(randomVoteList); } private static List<Integer> createRandomVoteList(int size, int candidates) { ArrayList<Integer> voteList = new ArrayList<>(); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { voteList.add(random.nextInt(candidates) + 1); } return voteList; } } class VoteCalculator { private final Map<Integer, Candidate> candidates; public VoteCalculator(List<Candidate> candidates) { this.candidates = IntStream.range(0, candidates.size()) .boxed() .collect(Collectors.toMap(voteNum -> voteNum + 1, candidates::get)); } public void calc(List<Integer> voteList) { int progress = 0; int size = voteList.size(); for (Integer vote : voteList) { progress++; Candidate candidate = candidates.get(vote); candidate.addVoted(); String info = String.format("[투표진행율]:%.2f%%, %d명 투표 => %s", progress * 100.0 / size, progress, candidate.getName()); String progressStatus = getProgressStatus(size); System.out.println(info); System.out.println(progressStatus); } String winner = candidates.values() .stream().max(Comparator.comparingInt(Candidate::getVoted)).map(Candidate::getName).orElse(""); System.out.println("[투표결과] 당선인: " + winner); } private String getProgressStatus(int size) { StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder(); candidates.forEach((key, value) -> stb.append(String.format("[기호%d] %s: %.2f%%, (투표수: %d)\n", key, value.getName(), value.getVoted() * 100.0 / size, value.getVoted()))); return stb.toString(); } } class Candidate { private final String name; private Integer voted; public Candidate(String name) { = name; this.voted = 0; } public String getName() { return name; } public Integer getVoted() { return voted; } public void addVoted() { voted++; } }

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