js - pub sub pattern service

var pubSub = (function(){ function PubSubService(){ /** * based on: http://davidwalsh.name/pubsub-javascript */ var topics = {}; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- @begin: internal logic function checkProperty(topic){ return (topics.hasOwnProperty.call(topics, topic)); } function subscribers(topic){ if(!checkProperty(topic)){ return []; } else { return topics[topic]; } } function findIndexOf(topic, listener){ if(!checkProperty(topic)){ return -1; } else { return topics[topic].indexOf(listener); } } function unsubscribe(topic, listener){ var index = findIndexOf(topic, listener); if(index > -1){ topics[topic].splice(index, 1); } index = null; } function subscribe(topic, listener){ // Create the topic's object if not yet created if(!checkProperty(topic)){ topics[topic] = []; } if(findIndexOf(topic, listener) > -1){ // listener already registered return; } // Add the listener to queue topics[topic].push(listener); listener.unsubscribe = function internalUnsubscribe(){ unsubscribe(topic, listener); topic = null; listener = null; }; return { unsubscribe : listener.unsubscribe }; } function publish(topic, data){ // If the topic doesn't exist, or there's no listeners in queue, just leave if(!checkProperty(topic)){ return; } // Cycle through topics queue, fire! topics[topic].forEach(function(item) { item(data); }); } //--- @end: internal logic //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- API return { subscribers : subscribers, subscribe : subscribe, unsubscribe : unsubscribe, publish : publish }; } return PubSubService(); })(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // basic tests var alohaFunction = function(params){ console.log('aloha function executed ', params); } var listener = pubSub.subscribe('aloha', alohaFunction); pubSub.subscribe('aloha', alohaFunction); pubSub.publish('aloha', { name: 'erko', age: 31 }); console.log('aloha listeners ', pubSub.subscribers('aloha').length); listener.unsubscribe(); pubSub.unsubscribe('aloha', alohaFunction); console.log('aloha listeners ', pubSub.subscribers('aloha').length);
a simple pub sub js service

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