Conceptual Redesign: UPS

%head %link{:href => "", :rel => "stylesheet"} %body #position %svg{:height => "160", :width => "140"} %path{:d => "m 9.5 21 q 60 -20 121 0", :class => "ribbon"} %path{:d => "M 10 20 V 100 z"} %path{:d => "M 130 20 V 100 z"} %path{:d => "m 10 100 q 1 30 60.5 50"} %path{:d => "m 130 100 q -1 28 -60.5 50"} %polygon{:points =>"10,21 130,21 10,50", :class => "ribbon"} %text #ups ups %span.reg ® <!-- The UPS Logo is a registered trademark of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. --> <!-- This work is purely for artistic purpose and not intended for commerical use. -->
$brown: #35261C $gold: #ffb500 $package: #c19862 $natural: $package $hover: $gold * -webkit-transition: .4s cursor: default body font-family: 'Ubuntu' font-size: 64px background: $brown -webkit-user-select: none #position background: none width: 140px height: 160px text-align: center position: absolute margin: auto left: 0 right: 0 top: 0 bottom: 0 zoom: 0% #position:hover #ups color: $hover #ups background: none line-height: 26px color: $natural width: 120px height: 36px position: absolute margin: auto left: 0 right: 0 top: 64px -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg) svg background: none position: absolute margin: auto left: 0 right: 0 top: 0 bottom: 0 #position:hover path stroke: $hover path stroke: $natural stroke-width: 2px fill: none #position:hover .ribbon stroke: $hover fill: $hover .ribbon stroke-width: 2px stroke: $natural fill: $natural #position:hover .reg color: $hover .reg display: none color: $natural font-size: 12px position: absolute margin: auto right: 20px bottom: 10px @media screen and (max-width: 1080px) #position zoom: 400%
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