Distance Converter

display dialog "Make sure your distance to convert its written down on the calculator app before going any further." with title "Distance Converter" buttons {"mi to km", "km to mi", "Cancel"} set the button_pressed to the button returned of the result if the button_pressed is "mi to km" then tell application "Calculator" to activate tell application "System Events" keystroke "*5280/3.280839895/1000" --MILES TO KILOMETERS FORMULA key code 36 keystroke "c" using command down end tell else if the button_pressed is "km to mi" then tell application "Calculator" to activate tell application "System Events" keystroke "*1000*3.280839895/5280" --KILOMETERS TO MILES FORMULA key code 36 keystroke "c" using command down end tell end if
Easily convert miles to kilometers and kilometers to miles with a precision up to 14 decimal places.

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