
/* * Keymap.js: bind key events to handler functions. * * This module defines a Keymap class. An instance of this class represents a * mapping of key identifiers (defined below) to handler functions. A Keymap * can be installed on an HTML element to handle keydown events. When such an * event occurs, the Keymap uses its mapping to invoke the appropriate handler. * * When you create a Keymap, you can pass a JavaScript object that represents * the initial set of bindings for the Keymap. The property names of this object * are key identifers, and the property values are the handler functions. * After a Keymap has been created, you can add new bindings by passing a key * identifer and handler function to the bind() method. You can remove a * binding by passing a key identifier to the unbind() method. * * To make use of a Keymap, call its install() method, passing an HTML element, * such as the document object. install() adds an onkeydown event handler to * the specified object. When this handler is invoked, it determines the key * identifier of the pressed key and invokes the handler function, if any, * bound to that key identifier. A single Keymap may be installed on more than * one HTML element. * * Key Identifiers * * A key identifier is a case-insensitive string representation of a key plus * any modifier keys that are held down at the same time. The key name is * usually the (unshifted) text on the key. Legal key names include "A", "7", * "F2", "PageUp", "Left", "Backspace", and "Esc". * * See the Keymap.keyCodeToKeyName object in this module for a list of names. * These are a subset of the names defined by the DOM Level 3 standard and * this class will use the key property of the event object when implemented. * * A key identifier may also include modifier key prefixes. These prefixes are * Alt, Ctrl, Meta, and Shift. They are case-insensitive, and must be separated * from the key name and from each other with spaces or with an underscore, * hyphen, or +. For example: "SHIFT+A", "Alt_F2", "meta-v", and "ctrl alt left". * On Macs, Meta is the Command key and Alt is the Option key. Some browsers * map the Windows key to the Meta modifier. * * Handler Functions * * Handlers are invoked as methods of the document or document element on which * the keymap is installed and are passed two arguments: * 1) the event object for the keydown event * 2) the key identifier of the key that was pressed * The handler return value becomes the return value of the keydown handler. * If a handler function returns false, the keymap will stop bubbling and * cancel any default action associated with the keydown event. * * Limitations * * It is not possible to bind a handler function to all keys. The operating * system traps some key sequences (Alt-F4, for example). And the browser * itself may trap others (Ctrl-S, for example). This code is browser, OS, * and locale-dependent. Function keys and modified function keys work well, * and unmodified alphanumeric keys work well. The combination of Ctrl and Alt * with alphanumeric characters is less robust. * * Most punctuation characters that do not require the Shift key (`=[];',./\ * but not hyphen) on standard US keyboard layouts are supported. But they are * not particularly portable to other keyboard layouts and should be avoided. */ // This is the constructor function function Keymap(bindings) { = {}; // Define the key identifier->handler map if (bindings) { // Copy initial bindings into it for(name in bindings) this.bind(name, bindings[name]); } } // Bind the specified key identifier to the specified handler function Keymap.prototype.bind = function(key, func) {[Keymap.normalize(key)] = func; }; // Delete the binding for the specified key identifier Keymap.prototype.unbind = function(key) { delete[Keymap.normalize(key)]; }; // Install this Keymap on the specified HTML element Keymap.prototype.install = function(element) { // This is the event-handler function var keymap = this; function handler(event) { return keymap.dispatch(event, element); } // Now install it if (element.addEventListener) element.addEventListener("keydown", handler, false); else if (element.attachEvent) element.attachEvent("onkeydown", handler); }; // This method dispatches key events based on the keymap bindings. Keymap.prototype.dispatch = function(event, element) { // We start off with no modifiers and no key name var modifiers = "" var keyname = null; // Build the modifier string in canonical lowercase alphabetical order. if (event.altKey) modifiers += "alt_"; if (event.ctrlKey) modifiers += "ctrl_"; if (event.metaKey) modifiers += "meta_"; if (event.shiftKey) modifiers += "shift_"; // The keyname is easy if the DOM Level 3 key property is implemented: if (event.key) keyname = event.key; // Use the keyIdentifier on Safari and Chrome for function key names else if (event.keyIdentifier && event.keyIdentifier.substring(0,2) !== "U+") keyname = event.keyIdentifier; // Otherwise, use the keyCode property and the code-to-name map below else keyname = Keymap.keyCodeToKeyName[event.keyCode]; // If we couldn't figure out a key name, just return and ignore the event. if (!keyname) return; // The canonical key id is modifiers plus lowercase key name var keyid = modifiers + keyname.toLowerCase(); // Now see if the key identifier is bound to anything var handler =[keyid]; if (handler) { // If there is a handler for this key, handle it // Invoke the handler function var retval =, event, keyid); // If the handler returns false, cancel default and prevent bubbling if (retval === false) { if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM model else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE model if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM else event.returnValue = false; // IE } // Return whatever the handler returned return retval; } }; // Utility function to convert a key identifier to canonical form. // On non-Macintosh hardware, we could map "meta" to "ctrl" here, so that // Meta-C would be "Command-C" on the Mac and "Ctrl-C" everywhere else. Keymap.normalize = function(keyid) { keyid = keyid.toLowerCase(); // Everything lowercase var words = keyid.split(/\s+|[\-+_]/); // Split modifiers from name var keyname = words.pop(); // keyname is the last word keyname = Keymap.aliases[keyname] || keyname; // Is it an alias? words.sort(); // Sort remaining modifiers words.push(keyname); // Add the normalized name back return words.join("_"); // Concatenate them all }; Keymap.aliases = { // Map common key aliases to their "official" "escape":"esc", // key names used by DOM Level 3 and by "delete":"del", // the key code to key name map below. "return":"enter", // Both keys and values must be lowercase here. "ctrl":"control", "space":"spacebar", "ins":"insert" }; // The legacy keyCode property of the keydown event object is not standardized // But the following values seem to work for most browsers and OSes. Keymap.keyCodeToKeyName = { // Keys with words or arrows on them 8:"Backspace", 9:"Tab", 13:"Enter", 16:"Shift", 17:"Control", 18:"Alt", 19:"Pause", 20:"CapsLock", 27:"Esc", 32:"Spacebar", 33:"PageUp", 34:"PageDown", 35:"End", 36:"Home", 37:"Left", 38:"Up", 39:"Right", 40:"Down", 45:"Insert", 46:"Del", // Number keys on main keyboard (not keypad) 48:"0",49:"1",50:"2",51:"3",52:"4",53:"5",54:"6",55:"7",56:"8",57:"9", // Letter keys. Note that we don't distinguish upper and lower case 65:"A", 66:"B", 67:"C", 68:"D", 69:"E", 70:"F", 71:"G", 72:"H", 73:"I", 74:"J", 75:"K", 76:"L", 77:"M", 78:"N", 79:"O", 80:"P", 81:"Q", 82:"R", 83:"S", 84:"T", 85:"U", 86:"V", 87:"W", 88:"X", 89:"Y", 90:"Z", // Keypad numbers and punctuation keys. (Opera does not support these.) 96:"0",97:"1",98:"2",99:"3",100:"4",101:"5",102:"6",103:"7",104:"8",105:"9", 106:"Multiply", 107:"Add", 109:"Subtract", 110:"Decimal", 111:"Divide", // Function keys 112:"F1", 113:"F2", 114:"F3", 115:"F4", 116:"F5", 117:"F6", 118:"F7", 119:"F8", 120:"F9", 121:"F10", 122:"F11", 123:"F12", 124:"F13", 125:"F14", 126:"F15", 127:"F16", 128:"F17", 129:"F18", 130:"F19", 131:"F20", 132:"F21", 133:"F22", 134:"F23", 135:"F24", // Punctuation keys that don't require holding down Shift // Hyphen is nonportable: FF returns same code as Subtract 59:";", 61:"=", 186:";", 187:"=", // Firefox and Opera return 59,61 188:",", 190:".", 191:"/", 192:"`", 219:"[", 220:"\\", 221:"]", 222:"'" };
Defines a Keymap class that maps keystroke identifiers such as “PageUp”, “Alt_Z”, and “ctrl+alt+shift+F5” to JavaScript functions that are invoked in response to those keystrokes. Pass key bindings to the Keymap() constructor in the form of a JavaScript object in which property names are keystroke identifiers and property values are handler functions. Add and remove bindings with the bind() and unbind() methods. Install a Keymap on an HTML element (often the Document object) with the install() method. Installing a keymap on an element registers a keydown event handler on that element. Each time a key is pressed, the handler checks to see if there is a function associated with that keystroke. If there is, it invokes it. The keydown handler uses the DOM Level 3 key property, if it is defined. If not, it looks for the Webkit keyIdentifier property and uses that. Otherwise, it falls back on the nonstandard keyCode property. Begins with a long comment that explains the module in more detail.

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