SVG Dribbble Notification Animation

<svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 425 245" class="notification"> <g class="lines"> <polyline class="line line--1" points="27.2,174.6 57.7,140.8 93.7,192.6 136.7,89 190.2,214.8 238,59.6 273.2,123.5" /> <polyline class="line line--2" points="27.2,174.6 57.7,140.8 93.7,192.6 136.7,89 190.2,214.8 238,59.6 273.2,123.5" /> <polyline class="line line--3" points="27.2,174.6 57.7,140.8 93.7,192.6 136.7,89 190.2,214.8 238,59.6 273.2,123.5" /> <polyline class="line line--4" points="27.2,174.6 57.7,140.8 93.7,192.6 136.7,89 190.2,214.8 238,59.6 273.2,123.5" /> </g> <g class="bursts"> <line class="burst burst--1" x1="340.9" y1="160.7" x2="340.9" y2="82.5" /> <line class="burst burst--2" x1="263.9" y1="96.1" x2="340.9" y2="82.5" /> <line class="burst burst--3" x1="290.7" y1="142.4" x2="340.9" y2="82.5" /> <line class="burst burst--4" x1="391.2" y1="142.4" x2="340.9" y2="82.5" /> <line class="burst burst--5" x1="417.9" y1="96.1" x2="340.9" y2="82.5" /> <line class="burst burst--6" x1="408.6" y1="43.4" x2="340.9" y2="82.5" /> <line class="burst burst--7" x1="367.6" y1="9" x2="340.9" y2="82.5" /> <line class="burst burst--8" x1="273.2" y1="43.4" x2="340.9" y2="82.5" /> <line class="burst burst--9" x1="314.2" y1="9" x2="340.9" y2="82.5" /> </g> <g class="circles"> <path class="circle circle--1" d="M340.9,115.9c-18.5,0-33.5-15-33.5-33.5s15-33.5,33.5-33.5s33.5,15,33.5,33.5 c0,14.7-9.5,27.2-22.6,31.7" /> <path class="circle circle--2" d="M340.9,115.9c-18.5,0-33.5-15-33.5-33.5s15-33.5,33.5-33.5s33.5,15,33.5,33.5 c0,14.7-9.5,27.2-22.6,31.7" /> <path class="circle circle--3 circle--thick" d="M340.9,115.9c-18.5,0-33.5-15-33.5-33.5s15-33.5,33.5-33.5s33.5,15,33.5,33.5 c0,14.7-9.5,27.2-22.6,31.7" /> <path class="circle circle--4 circle--filled" d="M340.9,123.9c-22.9,0-41.5-18.6-41.5-41.5s18.6-41.5,41.5-41.5s41.5,18.6,41.5,41.5 S363.7,123.9,340.9,123.9z" /> </g> </svg>
$bg: #333333; $colors: #515151, #00b5ef, #ec4989, #ffffff; $start: 0; $end: 100; $opacityDuration: 1; $strokeDelay: 10; html { background-color: $bg; } /*svg*/.notification { display: block; width: 100%; max-width: 400px; height: auto; margin: 100px auto; } .line, .circle, .burst { animation-duration: 8s; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-delay: 1s; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-miterlimit: 10; } /*polyline*/.line { fill: none; stroke-width: 32; stroke-dasharray: 800; stroke-dashoffset: 1000; @for $i from 1 through 4 { &--#{$i} { animation-name: lineDraw--#{$i}; stroke: nth( $colors, $i ); } } } /*path*/.circle { fill: none; stroke: nth( $colors, 1 ); stroke-width: 4; stroke-dasharray: 800; stroke-dashoffset: 1000; transform-origin: center center; &:nth-of-type( 2 ) { stroke: nth( $colors, 2 ); } &--thick { stroke-width: 9; stroke: nth( $colors, 4 ); } &--filled { transform: scale( 0 ); stroke-width: 0; fill: nth( $colors, 3 ); } @for $i from 1 through 4 { &--#{$i} { animation-name: circleDraw--#{$i}; } } } /*line*/.burst { stroke: nth( $colors, 4 ); stroke-width: 4; animation-name: burstDraw; stroke-dasharray: 8, 800; stroke-dashoffset: -80; } /** * Keyframe animations for the lines: */ @for $i from 0 through 3 { $frame1: $start; $frame2: $opacityDuration + $i; $frame3: $frame2 + $strokeDelay; $frame6: $end - $i; $frame4: $frame6 - $strokeDelay; $frame5: $frame6 - $opacityDuration; @keyframes lineDraw--#{$i + 1} { #{$frame1}% { stroke-dashoffset: 1000; opacity: 0; } #{$frame2}% { stroke-dashoffset: 1000; opacity: 1; } #{$frame3}%, #{$frame4}% { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } #{$frame5}% { opacity: 1; } #{$frame6}% { stroke-dashoffset: 1000; opacity: 0; } } } /** * Keyframe animations for the circles: */ @for $i from 0 through 3 { $circleDelay: 6; $frame1: $start; $frame2: $opacityDuration + $i + $circleDelay; $frame3: $frame2 + $strokeDelay; $frame6: $end - $i - $circleDelay; $frame4: $frame6 - $strokeDelay; $frame5: $frame6 - $opacityDuration; @keyframes circleDraw--#{$i + 1} { #{$frame1}% { stroke-dashoffset: 1000; opacity: 0; } #{$frame2}% { stroke-dashoffset: 1000; opacity: 1; } #{$frame3}%, #{$frame4}% { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } #{$frame5}% { opacity: 1; } #{$frame6}% { stroke-dashoffset: 1000; opacity: 0; } } } /** * Keyframe animations for the solid circle: */ @keyframes circleDraw--4 { 0% { transform: scale( 0 ); } 8% { transform: scale( 0 ); } 10.5% { transform: scale( 1 ); } 15%, 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, 65%, 75% { transform: scale( 1 ); } 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% { transform: scale( 1.1 ); } 87.5% { transform: scale( 1.1 ); } 90%, 100% { transform: scale( 0 ); } } /** * Keyframe animations for the bursts: */ @keyframes burstDraw { 0%, 8% { stroke-dasharray: 8, 800; stroke-dashoffset: -80; } 12%, 100% { stroke-dashoffset: 10; } }
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