
let text = "hello1 hello2 hello3", pattern = /hello\d\s?/, result = pattern.exec(text), globalPattern = /hello\d\s?/g, globalResult = globalPattern.exec(text), stickyPattern = /hello\d\s?/y, stickyResult = stickyPattern.exec(text); console.log(result[0]); console.log(globalResult[0]); console.log(stickyResult[0]); pattern.lastIndex = 1; globalPattern.lastIndex = 1; stickyPattern.lastIndex = 1; result = pattern.exec(text); globalResult = globalPattern.exec(text); stickyResult = stickyPattern.exec(text); console.log(result[0]); console.log(globalResult[0]); console.log(stickyResult[0]);
The Regular Expressions & Flag

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