% Custom Layout
\usepackage{geometry} % defines the document geometry (a4, letter, etc.)
a4paper, % basis is a4paper
paperwidth=216mm, % (related to \oddsidemargin and \evensidemargin)
paperheight=303mm, % (related to \topmargin)
% odd pages (1,3,5,...)
\oddsidemargin = 36mm % margin left
% even pages (2,4,6,...)
\evensidemargin34mm % margin left
% even and odd
\hoffset = -1in % margin left, -1in = 0
\voffset = -1in % margin top, -1in = 0
\topmargin = 33mm % margin top
\headheight = 0mm % margin top % it's function equals \topmargin
\headsep = 15mm % padding top (Space between header and text)
% text
\textwidth = 146mm % 147.46mm
\textheight = 207mm % 208.84mm
% don't seem to do anything
\marginparpush = 0mm % 1.76mm
\marginparsep = 30mm % 2.46mm
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