Lighting Encrypted design by SOFTWARE RVG

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* { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; background:radial-gradient(circle, #000000,#000000,#000000, , #ff0000); } canvas { position: relative; top:10%; left:50%; margin-left:-50vmin; width:100vmin; height:100vmin; overflow:hidden; display: block; } svg { margin-top:10px; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 1%;}
var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0]; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width=canvas.height=400; ctx.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); var count=0; pam(); function pam(){ var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,tim,max,x,y,px,py; tim=count; max=50; for(d=0;d<2;d++){ for(b=0;b<7;b++){ c=tim/57*(d?1:-1)+b/7*Math.PI*2; px=Math.sin(c)*195/max; py=-Math.cos(c)*195/max; x=y=200; for(a=0;a<max;a++){ ctx.lineWidth=(a+1)/max*4; e=1-a/max; e*=e; e=1-e; e=(e*13)|0; r1=0.5+Math.sin(tim/3*(1+e/11)+a/11)/2; r2=1-r1; c=a/max; c=((Math.sin(c*13+tim/11)*r1+Math.sin(c*5*(1+e/13)-tim/13+e)*r2)*50)|0; f=c*1.8; if(f<0)f=0; ctx.strokeStyle="hsl("+((Math.abs(c-count+e*4)%360)|0)+",90%,"+(f)+"%)"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineTo(x,y); ctx.lineTo(x+px,y+py); ctx.stroke(); x+=px; y+=py; } } } count++; requestAnimationFrame(pam); }
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