Looker Authenticated Embed Code - Ruby Example

require 'cgi' require 'securerandom' require 'uri' require 'base64' require 'json' require 'openssl' module LookerEmbedClient def self.my_secret() return 'e6e6bed97dc7a4e24370d2ef41acada80dddd659d463e2d6c29bdd28bab2cdad' end # User Parameters: external_user_id = "100" first_name = "Jake" last_name = "Yoos" permissions = ['see_user_dashboards', 'see_lookml_dashboards', 'access_data', 'see_looks'] models = ['powered_by'] access_filters = {:powered_by => {:'products.brand' => "Allegra K"}} # System Wide Parameters: host = 'demonew.looker.com' secret = my_secret() session_length = 15 * 60 force_logout_login = true # Other Settings: embed_url = "/embed/sso/dashboards/234" # user options json_external_user_id = external_user_id.to_json json_first_name = first_name.to_json json_last_name = last_name.to_json json_permissions = permissions.to_json json_models = models.to_json json_access_filters = access_filters.to_json # url/session specific options embed_path = '/login/embed/' + CGI.escape(embed_url) json_session_length = session_length.to_json json_force_logout_login = force_logout_login.to_json # computed options json_time = Time.now.to_i.to_json json_nonce = SecureRandom.hex(16).to_json # compute signature string_to_sign = [host, embed_path, json_nonce, json_time, json_session_length, json_external_user_id, json_permissions, json_models, json_access_filters].join("\n") signature = Base64.encode64( OpenSSL::HMAC.digest( OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha1'), secret, string_to_sign.force_encoding("utf-8"))).strip # construct query string query_params = { nonce: json_nonce, time: json_time, session_length: json_session_length, external_user_id: json_external_user_id, permissions: json_permissions, models: json_models, access_filters: json_access_filters, first_name: json_first_name, last_name: json_last_name, force_logout_login: json_force_logout_login, signature: signature } query_string = URI.encode_www_form(query_params) puts "https://#{host}#{embed_path}?#{query_string}" end
This code writes a URL which calls content from a Looker instance. This URL is embedded in an iframe to allow authenticated access to Looker content. For more information see https://looker.com/platform/powered-by

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