M-ARY Tree - DFS/BFS/Height in C++

#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <queue> using namespace std; #ifndef NTREE #define NTREE class Ntree; class Node{ public: char key[100]; Node *next[10]; Node(char *key, int maxNode){ strcpy(this->key, key); for(int i=0; i<10; i++) next[i] = NULL; } Node(){ for(int i=0; i<10; i++) next[i] = NULL; memset(key, 100, sizeof(char)); } friend class Ntree; }; class NTree{ static int maxNode; public: Node *head; NTree(int m){ maxNode = m; } static Node *newNode(char *key){ Node *n = new Node(key, maxNode); return n; } void count(Node *p, int &max, int &cur){ cur++; if(max < cur) max = cur; for(int i=0; i<maxNode; i++){ if(p->next[i] != NULL){ count(p->next[i], max, cur); cur--; } } //return max; } operator int(){ int max = 0, cur = 0; count(head, max, cur); return max; } void DFS(Node *p){ if(p==NULL) return; for(int i=0; i<maxNode; i++){ DFS(p->next[i]); } cout<<p->key<<" "; } void DFS(){ DFS(head); } void BFS(){ queue<Node *> q; q.push(head); while(!q.empty()){ Node *n = q.front(); q.pop(); if(n==NULL) continue; cout<<n->key<<" "; for(int i=0; i<maxNode; i++) q.push(n->next[i]); } } }; #endif int NTree::maxNode = 4; int main(){ NTree tree(4); tree.head = NTree::newNode("Bird"); tree.head->next[0] = NTree::newNode("Carnivorous"); tree.head->next[1] = NTree::newNode("Herbivorous"); tree.head->next[0]->next[0] = NTree::newNode("Scanvengers"); tree.head->next[0]->next[1] = NTree::newNode("Predators"); cout<<"Total Height : "<<int(tree) <<"\n\n"; cout<<"\nDFS Traversal\n\n"; tree.DFS(); cout<<"\n\n\nBFS Traversal\n\n"; tree.BFS(); return 0; }
A Complete Class with newNode function, DFS Traversal, BFS Traversal and an example

Compile using GCC without need of any other libraries

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