
class Employee(builtins.object) | class documentation | ...more omitted... >>> help(docstrings) Help on module docstrings: NAME docstrings DESCRIPTION Module documentation Words Go Here CLASSES builtins.object Employee class Employee(builtins.object) | class documentation | ...more omitted... FUNCTIONS square(x) function documentation can we have your liver then? DATA spam = 40 FILE c:\code\docstrings.py
Note that asking for help on an actual string object directly(e.g.,help(''))doesn’t work in recent Pythons: you usually get no help, because strings are interpreted specially—as a request for help on an unimported module, for instance (see earlier). You must use the str type name in this context, though both other types of actual objects (help([])) and string method names referenced through actual objects (help(''.join)) work fine (at least in Python 3.3—this has been prone to change over time). There is also an interactive help mode, which you start by typing just help()

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