func newgetenckey()->String{
var enckey: String?
let NissanURL = ""
let outgoing = ["RegionCode":"NNA",
let header: HTTPHeaders=[
"User-Agent":"Conifer/0.1 (iPhone; iOS 11.2; Scale/2.00)",
Alamofire.request(NissanURL, method: .post, parameters: outgoing, encoding: URLEncoding.httpBody, headers: header).responseJSON { responseData in
if((responseData.result.value) != nil){
let swiftyJsonVar = JSON(responseData.result.value!)
enckey = swiftyJsonVar["baseprm"].stringValue
return enckey!
I want to wait for a response from alamofire before I return enckey. I don't really understand completion handlers. I dont even understand the "{ responseData in" on line 15.
4 Responses
func newgetenckey(completed: @escaping downloadComplete)->String{
var enckey: String?
let NissanURL = ""
let outgoing = ["RegionCode":"NNA",
let header: HTTPHeaders=[
"User-Agent":"Conifer/0.1 (iPhone; iOS 11.2; Scale/2.00)",
Alamofire.request(NissanURL, method: .post, parameters: outgoing, encoding: URLEncoding.httpBody, headers: header).responseJSON { responseData in
if((responseData.result.value) != nil){
let swiftyJsonVar = JSON(responseData.result.value!)
enckey = swiftyJsonVar["baseprm"].stringValue
return enckey!
let tempresult = newgetenckey()
Editor placeholder in source file
Missing argument for parameter 'completed' in call
Insert 'completed: <#ViewController.downloadComplete#>'
It looks like I need to pass something to the function, but I dont understand how this works so I dont know what it wants.
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