' Backtracking maze generator
' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maze_generation_algorithm
' - Starting from a random cell,
' - Selects a random neighbouring cell that has not been visited.
' - Remove the wall between the two cells and marks the new cell as visited,
' and adds it to the stack to facilitate backtracking.
' - Continues with a cell that has no unvisited neighbours being considered a dead-end.
' When at a dead-end it backtracks through the path until it reaches a cell with an
' unvisited neighbour, continuing the path generation by visiting this new,
' unvisited cell (creating a new junction).
' This process continues until every cell has been visited, backtracking all the
' way back to the beginning cell. We can be sure every cell is visited.
' model consts
const W = 40
const H = 30
dim h_walls(0 to W, 0 to H)
dim v_walls(0 to W, 0 to H)
func init_walls()
local x,y
for x = 0 to W
for y = 0 to H
v_walls(x, y) = 1
h_walls(x, y) = 1
next y
next x
func show_maze()
local py, px
local margin = 25
local border = margin / 2
local cellW = (xmax - margin) / W
local cellH = (ymax - margin) / H
local wallc, x, y
wallc = rgb(80, 80, 80)
py = border
for y = 0 to H
px = border
for x = 0 to W
wallc += 255
if (x < W && h_walls(x, y)) then
rect px, py, px + cellW, py+2, wallc FILLED
if (y < H && v_walls(x, y)) then
rect px, py, px+2, py + cellH, wallc FILLED
px += cellW
next y
py += cellH
next x
func rand_cell()
rand_cell = [rnd * 1000 % W, rnd * 1000 % H]
func get_unvisited(byref visited, byref current)
local n
dim n
local x = current(0)
local y = current(1)
if (x > 0 && visited(x - 1, y) == false) then
n << [x - 1, y]
if (x < W - 1 && visited(x + 1, y) == false) then
n << [x + 1, y]
if (y > 0 && visited(x, y - 1) == false) then
n << [x, y - 1]
if (y < H -1 && visited(x, y + 1) == false) then
n << [x, y + 1]
get_unvisited = n
func generate_maze()
local curr_cell, next_cell, num_visited, num_cells, visited, stack, cells
local x, y
dim visited(W, H)
dim stack
curr_cell = rand_cell()
visited(curr_cell(0), curr_cell(1)) = true
num_visited = 1
num_cells = W * H
while num_visited < num_cells
cells = get_unvisited(visited, curr_cell)
if (len(cells) > 0) then
' choose randomly one of the current cell's unvisited neighbours
next_cell = cells((rnd * 100) % len(cells))
' push the current cell to the stack
stack << curr_cell
' remove the wall between the current cell and the chosen cell
if (next_cell(0) == curr_cell(0)) then
x = next_cell(0)
y = max(next_cell(1), curr_cell(1))
h_walls(x, y) = 0
x = max(next_cell(0), curr_cell(0))
y = next_cell(1)
v_walls(x, y) = 0
' make the chosen cell the current cell and mark it as visited
curr_cell = next_cell
visited(curr_cell(0), curr_cell(1)) = true
else if (len(stack) > 0) then
' pop a cell from the stack and make it the current cell
local idx = len(stack) - 1
curr_cell = stack(idx)
delete stack, idx, 1
exit loop
at 0,0:? (ticks-t)
Displays a maze
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