Memory Game Plugin

$(function () { $.timer = function (func, time, autostart) { this.set = function (func, time, autostart) { this.init = true; if (typeof func == 'object') { var paramList = ['autostart', 'time']; for (var arg in paramList) { if (func[paramList[arg]] != undefined) { eval(paramList[arg] + " = func[paramList[arg]]"); } }; func = func.action; } if (typeof func == 'function') { this.action = func; } if (!isNaN(time)) { this.intervalTime = time; } if (autostart && ! { = true; this.setTimer(); } return this; }; this.once = function (time) { var timer = this; if (isNaN(time)) { time = 0; } window.setTimeout(function () { timer.action(); }, time); return this; }; = function (reset) { if (! { if (reset) { this.setTimer(); } else { this.setTimer(this.remaining); } = true; } return this; }; this.pause = function () { if ( { = false; this.remaining -= new Date() - this.last; this.clearTimer(); } return this; }; this.stop = function () { = false; this.remaining = this.intervalTime; this.clearTimer(); return this; }; this.toggle = function (reset) { if ( { this.pause(); } else if (reset) {; } else {; } return this; }; this.reset = function () { = false;; return this; }; this.clearTimer = function () { window.clearTimeout(this.timeoutObject); }; this.setTimer = function (time) { var timer = this; if (typeof this.action != 'function') { return; } if (isNaN(time)) { time = this.intervalTime; } this.remaining = time; this.last = new Date(); this.clearTimer(); this.timeoutObject = window.setTimeout(function () { timer.go(); }, time); }; this.go = function () { if ( { this.action(); this.setTimer(); } }; if (this.init) { return new $.timer(func, time, autostart); } else { this.set(func, time, autostart); return this; } }; function pad(number, length) { var str = '' + number; while (str.length < length) { str = '0' + str; } return str; } function formatTime(time) { time = time / 10; var min = parseInt(time / 6000), sec = parseInt(time / 100) - (min * 60), hundredths = pad(time - (sec * 100) - (min * 6000), 2); return (min > 0 ? pad(min, 2) : "00") + ":" + pad(sec, 2) + ":" + hundredths; } (function ($) { var Memory = { init: function (cards) { this.$game = $(".game"); this.$modal = $(".modal"); this.$overlay = $(".modal-overlay"); this.$restartButton = $("button.restart"); this.cardsArray = $.merge(cards, cards); this.shuffleCards(this.cardsArray); this.setup(); }, shuffleCards: function (cardsArray) { this.$cards = $(this.shuffle(this.cardsArray)); }, setup: function () { this.html = this.buildHTML(); this.$game.html(this.html); this.$memoryCards = $(".card"); this.binding(); this.paused = false; this.guess = null; this.showModal(); }, binding: function () { var self = this; this.$memoryCards.on("click", this.cardClicked); this.$restartButton.on("click", $.proxy(this.reset, this)); $('.play-btn').on("click", function () { self.$overlay.hide(); self.$modal.hide(); self.startTimer(); }); }, startTimer: function Stopwatch () { // Stopwatch element on the page var $stopwatch; // Timer speed in milliseconds var incrementTime = 70; // Current timer position in milliseconds var currentTime = 0; $(function () { $stopwatch = $('#stopwatch'); Stopwatch.Timer = $.timer(updateTimer, incrementTime, true); }); // Output time and increment function updateTimer() { var timeString = formatTime(currentTime); $stopwatch.html(timeString); currentTime += incrementTime; } // Reset timer this.resetStopwatch = function () { currentTime = 0; Stopwatch.Timer.stop().once(); }; }, // kinda messy but hey cardClicked: function () { var _ = Memory; var $card = $(this); if (!_.paused && !$card.find(".inside").hasClass("matched") && !$card.find(".inside").hasClass("picked")) { $card.find(".inside").addClass("picked"); if (!_.guess) { _.guess = $(this).attr("data-id"); } else if (_.guess == $(this).attr("data-id") && !$(this).hasClass("picked")) { $(".picked").addClass("matched"); _.guess = null; } else { _.guess = null; _.paused = true; setTimeout(function () { $(".picked").removeClass("picked"); Memory.paused = false; }, 600); } if ($(".matched").length == $(".card").length) {; } } }, win: function () { this.paused = true; var timeWon = $('#stopwatch').html(); console.log(timeWon); $('#TimeTaken').val(timeWon); $('#GameWon').val(true); setTimeout(function () { $('form').submit(); }, 1000); //y u no werk?????? }, showModal: function () { this.$; this.$modal.fadeIn("slow"); }, hideModal: function () { this.$overlay.hide(); this.$modal.hide(); }, reset: function () { this.hideModal(); this.shuffleCards(this.cardsArray); this.setup(); this.$"slow"); }, // Fisher--Yates Algorithm -- shuffle: function (array) { var counter = array.length, temp, index; // While there are elements in the array while (counter > 0) { // Pick a random index index = Math.floor(Math.random() * counter); // Decrease counter by 1 counter--; // And swap the last element with it temp = array[counter]; array[counter] = array[index]; array[index] = temp; } return array; }, buildHTML: function () { var frag = ''; var randomBack = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); this.$cards.each(function (k, v) { frag += '<div class="card" data-id="' + + '"><div class="inside">\ <div class="front"><img src="'+ v.img + '"\ alt="'+ + '" /></div>\ <div class="back"><img src="/Content/mobile/images/card-unflipped' + randomBack + '.png"\ alt="Unflipped" /></div></div>\ </div>'; }); return frag; } }; var cards = [ { name: "dolphins", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/dolphins.gif", id: 1 }, { name: "fire-dancer", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/fire-dancer.gif", id: 2 }, { name: "flower", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/flower.gif", id: 3 }, { name: "hula", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/hula.gif", id: 4 }, { name: "package", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/package.gif", id: 5 }, { name: "surfer", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/surfer.gif", id: 6 } ]; var cards2 = [ { name: "surfer", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/surfer.gif", id: 1, }, { name: "package", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/package.gif", id: 2 }, { name: "swimming", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/swimming.gif", id: 3 }, { name: "turtle", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/turtle.gif", id: 4 }, { name: "waterfall", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/waterfall.gif", id: 5 }, { name: "wind-surfer", img: "/Content/mobile/images/cards/wind-surfer.gif", id: 6 } ]; var randomNum = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (randomNum < 2) { Memory.init(cards); } else { Memory.init(cards2); } //console.log(randomNum); })(jQuery); });
Memory game with a timer attached.

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