Menu + Cookie

$(document).ready(function() { $('ul#my-menu ul').each(function(i) { // Check each submenu: if ($.cookie('submenuMark-' + i)) { // If index of submenu is marked in cookies: $(this).show().prev().removeClass('collapsed').addClass('expanded'); // Show it (add apropriate classes) }else { $(this).hide().prev().removeClass('expanded').addClass('collapsed'); // Hide it } $(this).prev().addClass('collapsible').click(function() { // Attach an event listener var this_i = $('ul#my-menu ul').index($(this).next()); // The index of the submenu of the clicked link if ($(this).next().css('display') == 'none') { $(this).next().slideDown(200, function () { // Show submenu: $(this).prev().removeClass('collapsed').addClass('expanded'); cookieSet(this_i); }); }else { $(this).next().slideUp(200, function () { // Hide submenu: $(this).prev().removeClass('expanded').addClass('collapsed'); cookieDel(this_i); $(this).find('ul').each(function() { $(this).hide(0, cookieDel($('ul#my-menu ul').index($(this)))).prev().removeClass('expanded').addClass('collapsed'); }); }); } return false; // Prohibit the browser to follow the link address }); }); }); function cookieSet(index) { $.cookie('submenuMark-' + index, 'opened', {expires: null, path: '/'}); // Set mark to cookie (submenu is shown): } function cookieDel(index) { $.cookie('submenuMark-' + index, null, {expires: null, path: '/'}); // Delete mark from cookie (submenu is hidden): }

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Include - jquery.cookie.js

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