Modular scale scss mixin

<h1>Header h1</h1> <p>As on <a href=""></a>. I like to use rem units with px fallbacks for font-sizes. As with much else, which unit to use is ofc. opinionated...</p> <small>Smaller sized text</small>
// Base size and ratio $base: 1; //= 16px $ratio: 1.5; // Perfect Fifth @mixin ms($value, $ms-ratio: $ratio, $ms-base: $base){ $size: pow($ms-ratio, $value)*$ms-base; $sizepx: $size*16; font-size: $sizepx +px; font-size: $size +rem; } h1 { @include ms(3); // 3 means the third size in the defined scale } p{ @include ms(0); // 0 means the base size in the defined scale } small{ @include ms(-1); // negative numbers means text that is smaller than the base size of the defined scale }
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