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w ItemPageObject.cs public void CheckForNotExsitingAction(IWebDriver webDriver, ISearchContext context, string notExsistingActionName) { var actions = webDriver.FindElement(By.ClassName("dropdown--square")); Actions builder = new Actions(webDriver); builder.MoveToElement(actions).Perform(); new WebDriverWait(webDriver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).Until( ExpectedConditions.PresenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy((By.ClassName("dropdown__action")))); WebDriverUtil.AssertElementNotPresent(context, By.LinkText(notExsistingActionName), "xxx"); } WebDriverUtil.cs using System; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI; using OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions; namespace RegistrationForm.Tests.Acceptance { public abstract class WebDriverUtil { public IWebDriver Driver { get; set; } public void ClearAndType(IWebElement element, string value) { element.Clear(); element.SendKeys(value); } public void WaitUpTo(int milliseconds, Func<bool> Condition, string description) { int timeElapsed = 0; while (!Condition() && timeElapsed < milliseconds) { Thread.Sleep(100); timeElapsed += 100; } if (timeElapsed >= milliseconds || !Condition()) { throw new AssertFailedException("Timed out while waiting for: " + description); } } public static void AssertIsEqual(string expectedValue, string actualValue, string elementDescription) { if (expectedValue != actualValue) { throw new AssertFailedException(String.Format("AssertIsEqual Failed: '{0}' didn't match expectations. Expected [{1}], Actual [{2}]", elementDescription, expectedValue, actualValue)); } } public static bool IsElementPresent(IWebElement element) { try { bool b = element.Displayed; return b; } catch { return false; } } public static void AssertElementPresent(IWebElement element, string elementDescription) { if (!IsElementPresent(element)) throw new AssertFailedException(String.Format("AssertElementPresent Failed: Could not find '{0}'", elementDescription)); } public static void AssertElementNotPresent(IWebElement element, string elementDescription) { if (IsElementPresent(element)) throw new AssertFailedException(String.Format("AssertElementPresent Failed: Could not find '{0}'", elementDescription)); } public static bool IsElementPresent(ISearchContext context, By searchBy) { try { bool b = context.FindElement(searchBy).Displayed; return b; } catch { return false; } } public static void AssertElementPresent(ISearchContext context, By searchBy, string elementDescription) { if (!IsElementPresent(context, searchBy)) throw new AssertFailedException(String.Format("AssertElementPresent Failed: Could not find '{0}'", elementDescription)); } public static void AssertElementNotPresent(ISearchContext context, By searchBy, string elementDescription) { if (IsElementPresent(context, searchBy)) throw new AssertFailedException(String.Format("AssertElementNotPresent Failed: Could not find '{0}'", elementDescription)); } public static void AssertElementsPresent(IWebElement[] elements, string elementDescription) { if (elements.Length == 0) throw new AssertFailedException(String.Format("AssertElementsPresent Failed: Could not find '{0}'", elementDescription)); } public static void AssertElementText(IWebElement element, string expectedValue, string elementDescription) { AssertElementPresent(element, elementDescription); string actualtext = element.Text; if (actualtext != expectedValue) { throw new AssertFailedException(String.Format("AssertElementText Failed: Value for '{0}' did not match expectations. Expected: [{1}], Actual: [{2}]", elementDescription, expectedValue, actualtext)); } } public static bool isAlertPresent(IWebDriver webdriver) { try { webdriver.SwitchTo().Alert(); return true; } catch (NoAlertPresentException Ex) { return false; } } public static void WaitUntilDocumentIsReady(IWebDriver WebDriver, TimeSpan timeout) { try { var javaScriptExecutor = WebDriver as IJavaScriptExecutor; var wait = new WebDriverWait(WebDriver, timeout); // Check if document is ready Func<IWebDriver, object> readyCondition = webDriver => javaScriptExecutor .ExecuteScript("return (document.readyState == 'complete' && == 0)"); wait.Until(readyCondition); } catch { Thread.Sleep(200); } } } } W WorkflowStepDefinition.cs Przy czym tak naprawdę działa tylko dobrze ten 1 przypadek gdy np. na uprawnienia authora zaloguję się jako TR wtedy mam button open. [Then(@"I am expecting 1 button and not: ""(.*)"" action")] public void ThenITryToPerformAction(string p0) { ItemPageObject item = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<ItemPageObject>("item"); var action = item.SingleActionButton; WebDriverUtil.AssertElementNotPresent(action, "action list button exists"); WebDriverUtil.AssertElementNotPresent(item, By.ClassName("dropdown--square"), "Action button presented"); } [Then(@"I verify not existing: ""(.*)"" button")] public void ThenITrytoCheckButton(string p0) { ItemPageObject item = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<ItemPageObject>("item"); var action = item.SingleActionButton; WebDriverUtil.AssertElementPresent(item, By.ClassName("btn__action"), "Action button presented"); var actionText = action.Text; Assert.AreNotEqual(actionText, p0); } [Then(@"I verify not existing item ""(.*)"" from action list")] public void WhenITryToPerformActionFromActionList(string p0) { var item = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<ItemPageObject>("item"); item.CheckForNotExsitingAction(_webDriver, item, "Action list not existed"); }

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