
/** * Parses out motion data from the Axis camera motion stream */ var util = require('util'), Stream = require('stream').Stream var MotionLevelStream = function() { this.readable = true this.writable = true } util.inherits(MotionLevelStream, Stream) MotionLevelStream.prototype.write = function(data) { var that = this // Important bit of the stream is: group=0;level=0;threshold=11; var match = data.toString().match(/group=\d+;level=\d+;threshold=\d+/g) if (match) match.forEach(function(motion) { var motionMatch = motion.match(/group=(\d+);level=(\d+);threshold=(\d+)/) that.emit('data', { group: Number(motionMatch[1]), level: Number(motionMatch[2]), threshold: Number(motionMatch[3]), ts: new Date }) }) } MotionLevelStream.prototype.end = function() { this.emit('end') } exports.createStream = function() { return new MotionLevelStream() }
AxisCam motion detection with classic Node streams

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