multiple gradients

<h2>multiple gradients:</h2> <div class="gdt"></div> <h3>Few multi-gradients concept rules:</h3> <ol> <li>the gradient that is painted first shows first.the next one will be painted below it.</li> <li>when painting complex yet beautiful gradients i can paint the first gradient as if it is the only one i want to.then paint the second one that will be shown below the first one also as if it is the only one i want to and so on...</li> <li>defining (transparent) color-stops in a gradient will give transparency for the gradient for that area so that other gradients below it will be visibile.</li> </ol>
.gdt{ display:table; margin:auto; width:400px; height:200px; border:1px solid; background: radial-gradient(20px circle at 0px 0px ,purple,purple 10px,red 10px,red 15px,black 15px,black 19px,transparent 19px,transparent),linear-gradient(to right,red,red 15px,transparent 5px,transparent); background-size:20px 20px; background-repeat:repeat; }
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