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Spanish</a> <div class="languages"> <a href="">Spanish</a> <a href="">German</a> </div> </li> </ul> </nav> <br> <br> <main> <br> <br> <br> <br> <article class="a"> <h4>Install PHP, Apache2, Mysql and Adminer on Debian Buster</h4> <img src="/Photo/debian.jpg" alt="Icon debian"/> <p> Here I will explain how to install <b>PHP 7.3</b> on Debian Buster. If you to want to install another version of <b>PHP</b>, you only should change in <b>all</b> places where <b>PHP 7.3</b> it is, for the version you to want to install. I will also explain how to install <b>Apache2</b>, <b>Mysql</b> and <b>Adminer</b>. </p> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="/debian/install_php_apache2_mysql_and_adminer_on_debian_buster.php">Read more...</a> </article> <br> <br> <br> <article class="a"> <h4>Install the latest version of Firefox on Debian</h4> <img src="/Photo/debian.jpg" alt="Icon debian"> <p> When you install Debian, the <b>Firefox ESR</b> which comes with your installation comes without updating. Here I will explain how to install the latest version of <b>Firefox</b>. </p> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="/debian/install_the_latest_version_of_firefox_on_debian.php">Read more...</a> </article> <br> <br> <br> <article class="a"> <h4>How Install Debian 10 Buster with Nvidia</h4> <img src="/Photo/debian.jpg" alt="Icon debian"> <p> In July 2019 Debian has the new version public to does, his name is Debian 10 Buster, it will receive support over the next five years. I will explain here with this Tutorial how Install Debian 10 Buster with Mate with Nvidia, but it is working similarly with all Desktop's (Gnome, Kde, Lxde, Lxqt, Xfce, Cinnamon, Debian and Mate). </p> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="/debian/how_install_debian_10_buster_with_nvidia.php">Read more...</a> </article> <br> <br> <br> <article class="a"> <h4>How enable root password on Ubuntu</h4> <img src="/Photo/linux.svg" alt="Icon linux"> <p>By default, Ubuntu does not set up a <b>root</b> password and therefore, you don't get the ability to log in as root. To log you as root on Ubuntu you have to use <b>sudo -s</b> or <b>sudo -i</b>, with <b>sudo -s</b> runs a shell with root privileges and <b>sudo -i</b> also acquires the root user's environment. </p> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="/ubuntu/how_enable_root_password_on_ubuntu.php">Read more...</a> </article> <br> <br> <br> <article class="a"> <h4>How to create a bootable USB flash drive on Linux Mint</h4> <img src="/Photo/linux.svg" alt="Icon linux"> <p>I will explain here how to create a bootable USB flash drive on Linux Mint with the tool dd (disk dump). </p> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="/linux_mint/how_create_bootable_usb_drive_on_linux_Mint.php">Read more...</a> </article> <br> <br> <br> <article class="a"> <h4>How install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS</h4> <img src="/Photo/ubuntu.jpeg" alt="Icon ubuntu"> <p>Here will explain how to install VirtualBox in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver), we will use to install VirtualBox adding the third-party repository from VirtualBox </p> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="/ubuntu/how_install_virtualbox_ubuntu_18_04_lts.php">Read more...</a> </article> <br> <br> <br> <ul class="link_change"> <li id="pages">Pages</li> <li><a <?php if ($current_page=="1"): ?>aria-current="page" <?php endif ?> href="/index.php">1</a></li> <li><a <?php if ($current_page=="2"): ?>aria-current="page" <?php endif ?> href="/index2.php">2</a></li> </ul> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> </main> <div class="zwei"> </div> <aside></aside> <footer id="copry" > <p>My Website: Computer and More © 2019. 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