Node.js Color Script

var colors = { 'bold': '1', 'dim': '2', 'underlined': '4', 'invert': '7', 'black': '30', 'red': '31', 'green': '32', 'yellow': '33', 'blue': '34', 'magenta': '35', 'cyan': '36', 'lightGray': '37', 'darkGray': '90', 'lightRed': '91', 'lightGreen': '92', 'lightYellow': '93', 'lightBlue': '94', 'lightMagenta': '95', 'lightCyan': '96', 'white': '97', 'blackBG': '40', 'redBG': '41', 'greenBG': '42', 'yellowBG': '43', 'blueBG': '44', 'magentaBG': '45', 'cyanBG': '46', 'lightGrayBG': '47', 'darkGrayBG': '100', 'lightRedBG': '101', 'lightGreenBG': '102', 'lightYellowBG': '103', 'lightBlueBG': '104', 'lightMagentaBG': '105', 'lightCyanBG': '106', 'whiteBG': '107' } var reset = '\033[0m'; for (var color in colors) { String.prototype[color] = new Function(`return '${'\033[' + colors[color] + 'm'}' + this + '${reset}'`); } 'this is now black with green background'.greenBG().black();
Needed to put colors in the terminal without using an external script from NPM, so I decided to write my own, I think I solved my issue in a pretty clever way

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