
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; class NHANVIEN { private: string ma; string hoTen; int tuoi; string sdt; string email; float luongCoBan; public: NHANVIEN(); float GetLuongCoBan(); virtual void Nhap(); virtual void Xuat(); virtual int GetLoai()=0; virtual float TinhLuong()=0; virtual ~NHANVIEN(); }; NHANVIEN::NHANVIEN() { ma=""; hoTen=""; tuoi=0; sdt=""; email=""; luongCoBan=0; } void NHANVIEN::Nhap() { cout<<"nhap ma nhan vien: "; fflush(stdin); getline(cin, ma); cout<<"nhap ho va ten nhan vien: "; fflush(stdin); getline(cin,hoTen); cout<<"nhap tuoi: "; cin>>tuoi; cout<<"nhap so die thoai: "; fflush(stdin); cin>>sdt; cout<<"nhap email: "; fflush(stdin); getline(cin, email); cout<<"nha luong co ban: "; cin>>luongCoBan; } void NHANVIEN::Xuat() { cout<<"ma nhan vien: "<<ma<<endl; cout<<"ho ten: "<<hoTen<<endl; cout<<"tuoi: "<<tuoi<<endl; cout<<"so dien thoai: "<<sdt<<endl; cout<<"email: "<<email<<endl; cout<<"luong co ban: "<<fixed<<setprecision(0)<<luongCoBan<<endl; } float NHANVIEN::GetLuongCoBan() { return luongCoBan; } NHANVIEN::~NHANVIEN() { } class DEV :public NHANVIEN { private: int soGioOT; public: DEV(); void Nhap(); void Xuat(); int GetLoai(); float TinhLuong(); ~DEV(); }; DEV::DEV() { soGioOT=0; } void DEV::Nhap() { NHANVIEN::Nhap(); cout<<"nhap so gio overtimme: "; cin>>soGioOT; } void DEV::Xuat() { NHANVIEN::Xuat(); cout<<"so gio OT: "<<soGioOT<<endl; } int DEV::GetLoai() { return 1; } float DEV::TinhLuong() { return GetLuongCoBan() + soGioOT*200000; } DEV::~DEV(){ } class TESTER:public NHANVIEN { private: int soError; public: TESTER(); void Nhap(); void Xuat(); int GetLoai(); float TinhLuong(); ~TESTER(); }; TESTER::TESTER() { soError=0; } void TESTER::Nhap() { NHANVIEN::Nhap(); cout<<"nhap so loi phat hien duoc: "; cin>>soError; } void TESTER::Xuat() { NHANVIEN::Xuat(); cout<<"so loi phat hien duoc: "<<soError<<endl; } int TESTER::GetLoai() { return 2; } float TESTER::TinhLuong() { return GetLuongCoBan() + soError*5000; } TESTER::~TESTER() { } class COMPANY { private: vector<NHANVIEN*>dS; public: void NhapDS(); void XuatDS(); float TinhLuongTrungBinh(); void LietKeNVThapHonLuongTB(); ~COMPANY(); }; void COMPANY::NhapDS() { int soNV; cout<<"nhap so luong nhan vien can them: "; cin>>soNV; for(int i=0;i<soNV;i++) { NHANVIEN*t=NULL; int loaiNV; do { cout<<"nhap loai nhan vien can them(1:DEV/2:tester): "; cin>>loaiNV; }while(cin.fail()||(loaiNV<1||loaiNV>2)); } } void COMPANY::XuatDS() { for(unsigned int i=0;i<dS.size();i++) { if(dS[i]->GetLoai()==1) cout<<"DEVELOPER"<<endl; else cout<<"TESTER"<<endl; dS[i]->Xuat(); } cout<<endl; } float COMPANY::TinhLuongTrungBinh() { float tongLuong=0; for(unsigned int i=0;i<dS.size();i++) tongLuong= tongLuong+dS[i]->TinhLuong(); return 1.0*tongLuong / dS.size(); } void COMPANY::LietKeNVThapHonLuongTB() { for(unsigned int i=0;i<dS.size();i++) { if(dS[i]->TinhLuong()<TinhLuongTrungBinh()) { dS[i]->Xuat(); cout<<endl; } } } COMPANY::~COMPANY() { for(unsigned int i=0;i<dS.size();i++) { delete dS[i]; } dS.clear(); } int main() { COMPANY cty; cout<<"nhap danh sach nhan vien: "<<endl; cty.NhapDS(); cout<<"danh sach nhan vien la: "<<endl; cty.XuatDS(); cout<<"danh sach nhan vien co muc luong thap hon muc trung binh la: "<<endl; cty.LietKeNVThapHonLuongTB(); return 0; }

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