// Implement the outerHTML property for browsers that don't support it.
// Assumes that the browser does support innerHTML, has an extensible
// Element.prototype, and allows getters and setters to be defined.
(function() {
// If we already have outerHTML return without doing anything
if (document.createElement("div").outerHTML) return;
// Return the outer HTML of the element referred to by this
function outerHTMLGetter() {
var container = document.createElement("div"); // Dummy element
container.appendChild(this.cloneNode(true)); // Copy this to dummy
return container.innerHTML; // Return dummy content
// Set the outer HTML of the this element to the specified value
function outerHTMLSetter(value) {
// Create a dummy element and set its content to the specified value
var container = document.createElement("div");
container.innerHTML = value;
// Move each of the nodes from the dummy into the document
while(container.firstChild) // Loop until container has no more kids
this.parentNode.insertBefore(container.firstChild, this);
// And remove the node that has been replaced
// Now use these two functions as getters and setters for the
// outerHTML property of all Element objects. Use ES5 Object.defineProperty
// if it exists and otherwise fall back on __defineGetter__ and Setter__.
if (Object.defineProperty) {
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "outerHTML", {
get: outerHTMLGetter,
set: outerHTMLSetter,
enumerable: false, configurable: true
else {
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__("outerHTML", outerHTMLGetter);
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__("outerHTML", outerHTMLSetter);
Implement the outerHTML property for browsers that don't support it
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