Parse XML

public static server XML daxXMLTest(str _custOrderXmlStr) { XmlDocument custOrderXml; XmlElement xmlRoot; XmlElement xmlRecord; str orderType; XmlNode xmlNode; XmlNodeList xmlRecordList; RecId lineRecId; int i; custOrderXml = new XmlDocument(); custOrderXml.loadXml(_custOrderXmlStr); xmlRoot = custOrderXml.documentElement().getNamedElement('Items'); xmlRecordList = xmlRoot.childNodes(); // Grab a value xmlNode = custOrderXml.documentElement().selectSingleNode('OrderType'); orderType = xmlNode.text(); if(xmlRecordList) { // Cycle through the items in the incoming XML for (i = 0; i < xmlRecordList.length(); i++) { // Grab the item in the XML that corresponds to the iteration number xmlRecord = xmlRecordList.item(i); // Parse out local variables lineRecId = str2int64(xmlRecord.getAttribute('RecId')); ... // Do the magic ... // Change value in the XML that was sent to AX so we can return it with new values // I'm setting the example 'newValue' to true just out of simplicity newValue = true; xmlRecord.setAttribute('NodeToChange', newValue); } } } return custOrderXml.toString();

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